Re: Custom unsubscribe links

From: "Megan Mangler p.p. Dada Mail Developers" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: May 9th 2014

Hi Justin -

Thanks for the suggestions, and pointing me in the right direction! I'll dig into this further and see where I get

On May 8, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Justin J justin@PROTECTED wrote:

Looks like for mass mailings, the token for the unsub link is being created in the DADA::Mail::Send module, in the maketoken() method You'll then see it being called in the, mailmerge() method:

# type is passed in, $self->list_type my $confirmation_token = $self->maketoken( { -list => $labeled_data{'list_settings list'}, -email => $subscriber_vars->{'subscriber email'}, -msg_id => $labeled_data{message_id}, } );

$labeled_data{'list confirmation_token'} = $confirmation_token; # list invites? Messed up $labeled_data{'list_unsubscribe_link'} = $DADA::Config::PROGRAM_URL '/t/' $labeled_data{'list confirmation_token'} '/';

On May 7, 2014, at 5:38 PM, Megan Mangler p p Dada Mail Developers (meganmangler at yahoo com) justin@PROTECTED wrote:

Hi - I have a question that I think fits under "Help customizing Dada Mail for your own internal needs" Please let me know if I'm posting this to the wrong place

I'd like to use Dada Mail for the Drafts/Archives/Stats/etc capabilities, but we're a fairly large website and have our own subscription management system (for other site features) and would like our users to be able to use that same page to subscribe/unsubscribe for a newsletter concept we're developing

I've been reviewing the DADA::MailingList::Subscribers API, and I think I'll be able to use that to coordinate changes between the two systems However, I still have one sticking point We have our own custom unsubscribe program, and our own unsubscribe links I can't figure out any way to send out our custom unsubscribe links on each email We generate the unsub links specifically for each user/mailing, so the url is something like http://www site com/unsub/[long-encrypted-string] The user only needs to click a button on the page that says "Yes, unsubscribe me" for it to work

So, one idea WOULD be to subclass this method, but unfortunately, I'm not making it super easy for you to do that Still, perhaps sticking your own method in the mailmerge method is the quick and easy thing to do, for now:

require INTERNAL::THING; $labeled_data{'internalunsub_link'} = INTERNAL::THING::internal_unsub_link($subscriber_vars->{'subscriber email'}); my $entity = $args->{-fm_obj}->email_template( # … );

Then, you could use,

in your message

That would cover you for all mass mailings I kinda wish you could just use the template engine, which supports functions-kinda I don't know if there's any way to pass dynamic variables to these functions, though If there was, you could just do this in your own templates:

Click here to unsubscribe! )" -->

http://search cpan org/~samtregar/HTML-Template-Expr/Expr pm#DEFINING_NEW_FUNCTIONS

If there's any other ideas you may have, I'm willing to make the code easier to work with, to get your project working with tinier speed bumps


Justin J: Lead Dadaist url: http://dadamailproject com email: justin@dadamailproject com twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist

Dada Mail Announcements: http://dadamailproject com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/list/dada_announce/

On May 7, 2014, at 5:38 PM, Megan Mangler p p Dada Mail Developers (meganmangler at yahoo com) justin@PROTECTED wrote:

Hi - I have a question that I think fits under "Help customizing Dada Mail for your own internal needs" Please let me know if I'm posting this to the wrong place

I'd like to use Dada Mail for the Drafts/Archives/Stats/etc capabilities, but we're a fairly large website and have our own subscription management system (for other site features) and would like our users to be able to use that same page to subscribe/unsubscribe for a newsletter concept we're developing

I've been reviewing the DADA::MailingList::Subscribers API, and I think I'll be able to use that to coordinate changes between the two systems However, I still have one sticking point We have our own custom unsubscribe program, and our own unsubscribe links I can't figure out any way to send out our custom unsubscribe links on each email We generate the unsub links specifically for each user/mailing, so the url is something like http://www site com/unsub/[long-encrypted-string] The user only needs to click a button on the page that says "Yes, unsubscribe me" for it to work

I understand that this is an uncommon request, but has there been any discussion along these lines? If I could somehow subclass dada/DADA/App/Subscriptions/Unsub pm and override the 'unsub_link' method (I'm guessing anyway), I could expose an API call on our end to generate the unsub URL on each call But that'd need a code change to let me specify my own subclass to load, I think, not to mention some thought on how to handle errors Is there a better way? Some way I'm missing? I know I could just go in and edit the code, but I'm trying to avoid having to reapply those changes every time we upgrade Dada Mail

Best, meg


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