Hello Everyone - v11.13.1 has been released! This is a small bug release, for two bugs found.
Download and install:
This is mostly a bug-fix release for issues found in the v11.13.0 release of Dada Mail.
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.url: http://dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/
On May 10, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
From: justin@PROTECTED
Hello everyone,
v11.13.0 has been released!
Download and install:
Changelog (and below):
File Attachments Limit Raised to 10
URLs in, Mailing List: List Information can now be optionally validated
Add a Custom Button
You can now add your own button with a custom button label and background color.
Grab content from an RSS/Atom feed: set a limit on how old entries can be
This is helpful for recurring scheduled messages: say you send out a message every month. Now, you can make sure that only entries that were posted within a month are a part of the mailing list message you send out.
Bridge: Messages that cannot be parsed/processed can be sent to List Owner
Rather than just quietly fail. messages that cannot be parsed/processed can then be sent to the List Owner, who can look over what may be the issue. The error produced will also be sent. Enable/Disable this option in Bridge's settings. Look for the option labled, When a received message cannot be processed: [x] Send a copy of the message to the List Owner .
Plugin: Bridge - "Message too old" check will still send, "Not Allowed to Post" email notifications to list owner/subscriber #1011
List Email can be set as blank in Bridge, but messages can still be sent to the list - no check to make sure List Email is valid? #1004
Speling error in docs: "PlainTest" should be, "PlainText"
reCAPTCHA on the initial default screen not come up? #999
Subscribers that need to be confirmed by the list owner also show up in the, "unconfirmed subscribers" sublist, even though the confirmed #997
Mailhide support dropped
Better SQL Connection Error reporting
A message is now correctly shown in the browser window if the SQL connection isn't working. This wasn't always working well, but the implicit, "hey this is what the problem is" will hopefully help those whose job is to fix such things.
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.url: http://dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/
Dada Mail Developers Post to: Dada Mail Developers ( dadadev@PROTECTED )Manage Your Subscription Unsubscribe
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