"On this basis I can't agree that the profile fields need canning - if the user has consented then I cannot see why they wouldn't be fine AS LONG AS the Privacy Policy outlines the purpose for holding them, how long for and how they may be used beyond the individual's own use (if at all). Again this is something I don't think you Justin can control in every instance of Dada Mail. So the better way would be to flag it as I have suggested above or by similar means.”
"Dada Mail, since way back in the day, has kept records on things like requests to subscribe, confirming subscriptions, unsubscriptions - stuff like that. That information can be teased into a better format, so that it's documented a little nicer. I can write something that migrates that data over really easily. That way, when people request this data, you can show it to them. Easy!”
"Things like using email addresses for tracking purposes is another thing you'll need consent for (I think?) So, I'll be disabling that on new mailing lists. I can't see a problem with tracking *anonymous data*, so we can still do that, I guess!”
Warm regards, Mary Ann |
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