Hello everyone, v9 6 1 has also been released! This is primarily a bug fix release
Download and install, http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-9_6_1/install_dada_mail pod html
9 6 1
This is a bugfix release for issues found in the v9 6 0 release
Changes to StopForumSpam Integration
Originally, if the StopForumSpam service was down, any address given to it to be checked would return a, 0 status, meaning that the address is listed as problematic in StopForumSpam's database This could lead to a lot of false negatives, which is absurd default behavior
This has now been changed: if the StopForumSpam service is unavailable, the check is basically skipped, until the service is back up
We've forked the version of StopFormSpam that's available on CPAN, which reflects this new behavior That version can be found here:
https://github com/justingit/p5-stopforumspam/
and is also shipped with Dada Mail
Control Panel Notifcations: optimized
If you look within the menu items in the List Control Panel, you'll see various pieces of information, like the number of subscribers you have next to, Membership - View, or your Sending Options next to, Sending - Options
These pieces of information were being fetched individually; each one required a call to the Dada Mail app This adds up, as there could be more than 9 little pieces of information that's fetched! To correct this, we've changed how this all works, so only one request from the app is required to fill in all these pieces of information
Hourly email quota bounced Messages handled better
It seems that recently, cPanel-based hosts are bouncing back messages you send with an, "you're over your email quota!" message These are now handled correctly by the Bounce Handler, by basically ignoring them, as the problem isn't because of the address you're trying to send to, so shouldn't count against an address in the Scorecard
Bounce Handler will also not resend the bounced message to the List Owner if that option is enabled, since doing so will fail, and bounce back to the Bounce Handler Sending "you're over your email quota!" bounced emails is extremely short-sighted, because of problems like this For cPanel-based hosting accounts, it doesn't seem to be an easy way to see what your hourly email quota is, and no one way to query it programatically (Why not?)
For reasons like this, we do highly suggest using Amazon SES with Dada Mail for people getting serious with their mailing lists:
http://dadamailproject com/d/features-amazon_ses_support pod html
Bridge accepting email messages sent from Dada Mail
There was a curious bug found in Bridge, where it would accept a subscrption confirmation message sent from Dada Mail, to itself This causes an annoyance to say, a discussion mailing list This problem has been fixed
Bridge loses mails if stopforumspam is down
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/588
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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