Those redirect links are created by Dada Mail, they're used to track clickthroughs. If you want, you may disable the feature in the Tracker plugin.
Obv. no credit card information is kept on file - and obv. the app doesn't phone home for this or anything Dada Mail does,
Justin J: Lead Dadaist.
email: justin@PROTECTED
twitter: @dadamail
skype: leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:
> On Jul 21, 2016, at 9:12 AM, Joe Rizza joe@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote:
> Could someone explain to me how dada handles links placed in messages?
> So, I see a link to a website in the message I receive from a list, say:
> But if I right-click and copy the link it appears like so:
> I click on that link in the mail message, and it redirects to, for example, as expected.
> So, I assume dada stores the actual url somewhere, but I don't really understand the how and why. Reason I'm asking is because some random subscriber on a list had his credit card show a fraudulent charge 30 minutes after he clicked on a link and made a purchase, so of course he's blaming me. I'm pretty sure there's nothing fishy going I here because the link does redirect to the secured page, and there's nothing weird appended on it or anything, so he truly gets where he's going, and my server is now out of the game. I just want to be able to explain why the links look the way they do, so I can get them to leave me alone.
> Thanks,
> -Joe
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