Hello everyone, v9 1 2 is out the door Download/Install:
Changelog is below,
http://dadamailproject com/d/install_dada_mail pod html
9 1 2
This is mostly a bug-fix release, fixing bugs found in the v9 1 1 release
Incorrect htaccess in the dada/extensions directory
There was an errant htaccess file in the dada/extensions directory, disallowing access to any of the directory contents, including extensions you may have been running This has been removed!
Mailhide encode sometimes fails with strange input
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/548
Sending / Options - "Save For Selected Mailing Lists" button is editable not clickable
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/547
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/546
This is a very strange, and quite large bug It basically affects anything where you need an email sent for Profile work: registering, retrieving a new password, etc,
Dada 3 -> 4 utility script was broken
Looks like the following script was not working for v9 of Dada Mail:
Lhttp://dadamailproject com/d/dada3_to_dada4_sql pl html>
This script is still useful, if you're upgrading from v3 of Dada Mail, are using the SQL backend, and also have profile fields We've updated it to work correctly with v9
Subscription forms in Dada Mail using JSONP, rather than JSON
Dada Mail's subscrption forms that you see on the default screen, as well as the list screen's now use JSONP in the background to do their work This is to workaround Same Origin Policies, that even effect calls from diffrent subdomains of the same domain (ie: example com and www example com)
Disabling IP Check in List Control Panel sessions
By default, Dada Mail will look at the IP address that a user is said to be logged in from, and compare it to the IP address in the session data If they do not match, the session will fail, and you will be booted out of the session
Sometimes, this does not work as expected, so we've now allowed you to disable this feature:
In the Installer under, Advanced Configuration, check, Configure Security Options Then, uncheck the option, Check for Matching IP Addresses Done!
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