Hello Justin,
I'm in the process of installing v8 0 1 and took a timeout to read the Bridge plug-in page here:
http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-8_0_1/bridge html#Cronjob
What I've noticed is that the link referred to in this section:
Cronjob Bridge runs in the background on a schedule Make sure to set Dada Mail's cronjob: http://dadamailproject com/d/features-scheduled_cronjobs pod
gives a 404 error
Thought you might link to know
-----Original Message----- From: dadadev@dadamailproject com [mailto:dadadev@dadamailproject com] Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 3:04 PM To: Dada Mail Developers Subscriber Subject: [dadadev] Dada Mail v8 0 1 Released (bugfix)
Hello Everyone, v8 0 1 is out the door, mostly a bug fix release - changelog below Thanks for all the feedback to hammer out some of the kinks from the fancy new version
Install: http://dadamailproject com/d/install_dada_mail pod html
Upgrade: http://dadamailproject com/d/upgrade_dada_mail pod html
Dada Mail Changelog for v8 x
8 0 1
This is a bugfix release of Dada Mail, but touches upon a multitude of problems uncovered after the release of v8 0 0 of Dada Mail
Admin Menu: Tracker, Mass Mailing Options
Both the Tracker and Mass Mailing Options link in the admin menu will show additional information that reflects data and settings of your mailing list
Tracker will show the number of mass mailing campaigns that have been analyzed in the Tracker plugin
Mass Mailing Options will show your current batch sending speeds in messages per hour
Several problems with encoding have been found in Bridge, most notably when a message in 8bit Content Transfer Encoding and UTF-8 Encoding is sent Messages are, by default, handled in a different Content Transfer Encoding (quoted-printable), which is basically 7bit Problem happens if you try to work with these two Content Transfer Encodings together - basically corruption of text
To counteract this, messages received by Bridge are first changed to whatever the internal Content Transfer Encoding is, then processed as usual
Archives w/Inline File Attachments
Somewhat related to Bridge, archives with inline file attachments wouldn't show up correctly (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/482
Multiple Subscribe Extension Script
Subscription confirmation in the multiple_subscribe cgi extension script would fail, if you have a Profile Field that is required, even if it's submitted with the form (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/481
Profiles had several issues:
• Logging in, after subscription
After a subscription is made, the subscriber should be logged into their profile right afterwards (via a session cookie) and able to visit their profile via the really big button presented to them, without having to know their current login information This was broken (fixed)
Also, when this was broken, it wasn't clear why things didn't work, as no useful error message was presented (fixed)
• HTML formatting
Several errors in the HTML was present in the Profile Home screen, leading to some of the interface to be broken (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/479
• Logging In
There seemed also to be a problem with merely logging into you Profile in some instances (fixed)
• Registering an already-existing account
It was also called to our attention that you could still attempt to register an already existing account, even though there's a check in place to hault such an action (fixed)
Send a Webpage
Many problems have cropped up in the Send a Webpage screen, some having to do with problems with encoding (again), and others, when specific types of data are included in the webapge, including linked stylesheets This would ultimately cause a sending to fail (fixed)
Send a Webpage also suffered from a problem with using the option to set a custom PlainText alternative - seems as if that option was never correctly utlized, and the auto-generated version would always be used (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/485
List Invitations
Like most administration list control panel screens in Dada Mail, the List Invitation screen can be disabled, if you are logged in with the List Password That's done in the list control panel screen, Your List Control Panel - Customize Feature Set
List Invitation doesn't have its screen available in the menu, so it's a little bit of a quess on how to fully disable this The way it should work is by disabling, Membership - Invite/Subscribe/Add, but this does not work - rather disabling Mail Sending - Mass Mailing Options did this trick, which is nonsensical (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/486
Subscription Confirmation URL Redirect
The URL redirect after a subscription confirmation led to a blank page (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/488
Installer: Setting dada_files location
It seems that there was a bug related to setting a custom location for the dada_files directory location Your custom choice would not be tried out, although the installer would come back and tell you that what you've chosen won't work - maddening (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/480
Log Viewer
Looks like the Log Viewer plugin always thinks you're logged in w/the List Password, even if you're logged in w/the Root Pass There's some other oddities I'll also address (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/489
Problems logging out, changing List Password
Changing the List Password works, but you will refresh to a server error screen Seems there's some problem with the logout() method that seems to be touched quite a few times in the code (fixed)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/490
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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