I can provide a sample config for the documentation if you want
Sure, I'd love to see it I'm working on setting up a doc on deployment, as I work on PSGI support - I guess this will be testable in v8 alpha 3, as alpha 2 just doesn't have the support
Here's what I've got so far:
:: Installing: use the command line tool - here's a sample incantation to install Dada Mail:
cgi --program_url http://127
1 \
--dada_root_pass secret \
--support_files_dir_path /Library/WebServer/Documents \
--backend SQLite \
--support_files_dir_url http://127
1 \
--deployment_running_under PSGI \
--dada_files_loc /Library/WebServer/Documents
:: Great, Dada Mail is now installed, run it:
sudo plackup --port 9090 --host 127
:: OK, Dada Mail is running Here's the nginx config that's relative to this:
http {
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://127
And then, just start up nginx Now, Dada Mail is available, when you go to: 127 0 0 1 - simple as that The PSGI instance script even handles serving the static files statically using the, "Static" PSGI Middleware (http://advent plackperl org/2009/12/day-17-serving-static-files-from-your-application html), which is awesome, although you could do that in nginx as well as you know
As far as deployment, that's going to be as easy as I can probably make it and seems pretty realistic to someone that wants/needs more performance, if they started Dada Mail as the current CGI setup
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