Dada Mail v6.8.1 Released

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: February 9th 2014

Hello Everyone,

v6 8 1 has been released!

  • Download/Install: http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-6_8_1/install_dada_mail pod html

  • Changelog: http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-6_8_1/changes_6_x pod html#pod6 8 1

Summary 6 8 1

This is a bug-release focused release

Changes 6 8 1

Dada Mail distro now hosted on Sourceforge

We've moved the Dada Mail distro download from Google Code to Sourcefore, as Google Code does not allow new downloads to be created

json and jsonp clarifications

Dada Mail's jQuery plugin for subscribing to a mailing list had a fairly big problem, if you wanted to use it in a cross domain setup Since it was calling the RESTful API using jsonp and sending data via POST, the POST payload would not actually work, as jsonp only supports sending information via GET

We've adjusted the plugin and the RESTful API to work correctly when accessing it either with the json and jsonp method See the docs on the jQuery plugin for more details on any modifications you may have to do to your own code:

http://dadamailproject com/d/COOKBOOK-subscriptions pod html#jQuery-Plugin

Amazon SES New Endpoint/Region Support

Amazon SES recently gave support to use the service with new regions, Dada Mail now supports the three new regions that now also support SES

List-Unsubscribe Header

We've changed the List-Unsubscribe header to include both a mailto: link set to the List Owner's email address, as well as the full List-Unsubscribe URL

Past versions only included the List-Unsubscribe URL

Log Viewer: Timestamps/Labels Fixed for Mass Mailing Logs

v6 8 0 introduced support to save the mass mailing logs Dada Mail creates, when sending out a mass mailing Earlier versions just deleted this log, when the mass mailing was finished/canceled Because this log could provide an interesting insight on how the mass mailing went, we made it an option to save the log to look at later, using the Log Viewer plugin that comes with Dada Mail

Unfortunetly, we goofed on actually displaying the date the mass mailing was sent on, in the Log Viewer's pulldown menu - the date shown would probably be something completely random, making the job of figuring out which log went to what mass mailing difficult

This should now be fixed

htaccess in file uploads directory

We've changed the directives in the htaccess file used to keep the file uploads directory secure The old directives looked a little like this:

<IfModule mod_php4

php_value engine off

php_value engine off

Which potentially won't do anything

It now looks more like this:

+Options -ExecCGI

+AddType text/plain php phtml php3 pl cgi Confirmation Dialog box when only archiving a message

Past versions of Dada Mail would show a confirmation dialog box, asking if you want to, "Send Mass Mailing?" when you wanted to simply archive a message, and not send it out Clicking, "OK" would still only archive the message, but the label on the dialog box was still incorrect It now simply states, "Archive Message?" if all you are doing is archiving a message

Bugfixes 6 8 1

Archive Index Previous/Next links not shown

https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/419

Authorised senders get an error from bridge cgi

https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/420

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  • Constructive critiques on the program (I like, "x", but, "y" needs some work - here's an idea on how to make this better...)
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  • Bug fixes
  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
  • Patches
  • Language Translations
  • Support Documentation/Doc editing, FAQ's, etc.
  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

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