First off,
On Aug 7, 2013, at 6:20 PM, "AJ" ajfasano@PROTECTED wrote:
Thanks for the replies
Thanks for the conversation!
I think the list short name character limitation has part of its constraints because of historical reasons It's possible some URLs will break if you add funky characters to the mix, but that could be easily fixed once problems are spotted The other part is, as it stands, you'll run into problems in the SQL table, just because of the schema they're created as For example:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dada_settings ( list varchar(16), setting varchar(64), value text ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
So, you'll want (or you probably have) recast that, as well
So an admin of a list with a shortname of 'medicine' will only see in their multi list send options lists that start with 'med' Pediatrics is medpeds ( would prefer med-peds but we can only use alphanumeric ) The admin of that list will see medicinepedsres ( residents ), medpedsatt ( attendings ), medpedser ( pediatric er ), etc It is a relatively minor code adjustment Was just wondering if there was a database reason for limiting the shortname For example, I would love to have medicine, medicine-peds, medicine-peds-res, medicine-peds-er, etc I can modify the code but I just want to be sure other things won't break
That's a pretty neat hack
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