Re: v6.0.2 released

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: January 29th 2013

On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:45 PM, Carl Kuczun ckuczun@PROTECTED wrote:

To do a full install of Dada Mail, you clear both the / dada_files/ folder and the /cgi-bin/dada/ folder of all files?

To update Dada Mail, you leave the / dada_files/ folder in place and clear the /cgi-bin/dada/ folder?

To install a new plugin using the installer, you need to do a full install?

I'm a little confused at what you're trying to do, but it's pretty simple:

  • Say, I want to install Dada Mail - no previous install on the account Then just use these instructions:

    http://dadamailproject com/d/install_dada_mail pod html

So, if there's a previous install of Dada Mail, and I want a completely new install - say, I was playing around with installing, or whatever, but start from scratch, then, yeah, I'd remove everything from the cgi-bin, the dada_files directory, and the SQL database Start from square one

  • If I'm upgrading from Dada Mail, you'll want to use these instructions:

    http://dadamailproject com/d/upgrade_dada_mail pod html

Which goes into a bit of detail, depending on how you first installed Dada Mail If you used the bundled installer, it's easy:

* rename you're current "dada" directory to something else - I usually use the version in the new name - so, "dada" becomes, "dada-5_2_1", or something like that
 Easier to deal with any problems you may have with upgrading, as reverting back, just means renaming that directory back to, "dada" 

Then, upload the tar gz distro, and the, "uncompress_dada cgi" script Run the, "uncompress_dada cgi" script, and click on the link for the installer

The first screen of the installer asks if you want to install or upgrade, choose, "upgrade" and type in the location of your current dada_files directory Usually, this is all filled-in, already

Next screen: make sure everything is filled in correctly - most of the data should be carried over from your previous installation The installer will read your dada_config file and try to configure the this installation to be close to the previous Make any changes you'd like, etc Some changes will have to be made manually, mostly for things you added manually Easy enough to do, as the previous dada_config file is backed up for you - just open it up and copy/paste what didn't get moved over automatically

And that's upgrading

  • Now, if you have an install, that you want to add another plugin on, rename that, "installer-some letters and numbers" directory that was renamed that way by the installer itself, back to just, "installer", change the permissions of the, "dada/installer/install cgi" script to, "755" and visit it again

And like upgrading, the previous configuration will be read by the installer You can make changes - like adding another plugin, etc

The, "upgrading" and, "changing a configuration of a current install" seems to be working really well It's what I use when I upgrade client's Dada Mails - 99% of the time, it works perfectly Super time-saver, for sure I don't ever do an install or upgrade, without using the installer Even on automated installs - say, for testing, I use the installer, as it also has a command line interface, I can script, so for example, I just tuck in all the configuration params I need into a little bash script, like this:

mv /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/test_dada/installer-disabled /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/test_dada/installer
cd /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/test_dada/installer
/usr/bin/perl -T 
cgi --if_dada_files_already_exists keep_dir_create_new_config \
--program_url http://localhost/cgi-bin/test_dada/mail
cgi \
--dada_root_pass test \
--dada_files_loc /Library/WebServer/Documents \
--support_files_dir_path /Library/WebServer/Documents \
--support_files_dir_url http://localhost \
--backend Pg \
--sql_server localhost \
--sql_port 5432 \
--sql_database dadademo_test \
--sql_username test \
--sql_password test \
--install_plugins mailing_monitor \
--install_plugins change_root_password \
--install_plugins screen_cache \
--install_plugins log_viewer \
--install_plugins tracker \
--install_plugins multiple_subscribe \
--install_plugins blog_index \
--install_plugins default_mass_mailing_message \
--install_plugins change_list_shortname \
--install_wysiwyg_editors \
--wysiwyg_editor_install_ckeditor \
--wysiwyg_editor_install_tiny_mce \
--file_browser_install_kcfinder \

and run it

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