Dada Mail moving from Prototype/Scriptaculous to Jquery

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: September 10th 2012

Hello Everyone,

I'm working on a branch of Dada Mail, where I'm porting all the Javascript effects/AJAX stuff from Prototype/Scriptaculous to jQuery, following the lead of most of the Free World You can see the progress at:


It's taking a bit longer than I anticipated - mostly because I'm not only doing a straight translation of the two libraries (both are fairly well designed), but because while I'm moving everything over, I'm also changing everything to work with the idea of Unobtrusive Javascript:


Which in the end, should be worth it This isn't the biggest issue (imho) on the admin side of things, but if we decide to add fancy Javascript effects to the user side of things - say in-browser verification of email addresses, before submitting a subscription form, it needs to be very unobtrusive, so if something is wonky on the JavaScript side of things (or the client has Javascript disabled!) Dada Mail doesn't stop working Also! No inline Javascript You can see, it's been a ton of work:



Once I get everything ported over, I could use a lot of help with people simply going through the program and making sure it's working correctly, still I just have so many different browsers/platforms at my disposal and it's super important to make sure this is all working I'll be happy to throw up a copy of the beta somewhere for people to Live Test, as almost all the changes will be on the client side of things

If there's any jQuery wizards out there, I could especially use your help with some of the code, as I'm sure there's some better ways to do things Most of the UI stuff in Dada Mail will stay the same, but the OSX-style modal menu that pops up for things like the Sending Preferences Test is going to take a major hit in slickness with this new revision, unless I can figure out somewhat better to do it I may also need help with getting the jQuery UI stuff looking as best as it can, as parts of that are being used in Dada Mail for things like Progress Bars, Dialog Boxes, etc

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