RE: v5.2.0 Released

From: "Onny" <onny@PROTECTED>
In-Reply-To: v5.2.0 Released
Date: July 30th 2012

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the update I have a question It is possible to use animated gif for the newsletter?


Onny -----Original Message----- From: Justin J [mailto:justin@dadamailproject com] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:07 AM To: Dada Mail Developers Subject: [dadadev] v5 2 0 Released

Hello Everyone,

Dada Mail v5 2 0 has been released - install/upgrade/download it from:

http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-5_2_0/install_dada_mail pod html

The changelog is below:

Summary 5 2 0 Dada Mail v5 2 0 release focuses on WYSIWYG editors, which allow you to author your HTML email messages in rich text, right from within the List Control Panel

Dada Mail now comes bundled with three different WYSIWYG editors: CKEditor, Tiny MCE and FCKeditor KCfinder, an image/file browser/uploader is also bundled Dragging and Dropping images to be used in your email messages is also supported in Dada Mail All these utilities can be installed easily using the included Dada Mail Installer

We've streamlined the Send a Message and Send a Webpage screens to better utilize and more cleanly present these editors, while still allowing you full flexibility on how you author your messages: We've moved to a tabbed interface for the mailing list message, so that you can easily toggle between your HTML Version and your PlainText version, without unnecessary scrolling

If upgrading from any previous version of Dada Mail, we highly suggest Creating a new dada_config file, when using the included Dada Mail installer, as many items in the starter " dada_config" file have now changed

Features 5 2 0 WYSIWYG/File Browsers Dada Mail now supports and comes bundled with the following WYSIWYG editors:

  • CKEditor

  • Tiny MCE

  • FCKEditor

Dada Mail also comes bundled with the file browser/file upload utility called, KCFinder This utility allows file file browsing and file (image) uploading for all three included WYSIWYG editor

Dada Mail Installer Support The Dada Mail Installer now has the ability to configure and install all three WYSIWYG editors, as well as the file browser Installing all these utilities is optional, but much easier than doing it manually The editors and browser are bundled with Dada Mail in the, dada/extras/packages directory

Added Support for Tiny MCE Along with Support for CKeditor and FCKeditor, Dada Mail now supports the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG HTML editor in its Send a Message and Send a Webpage screens

Support for Drag and Drop images (in some browsers) Instead of having to go through the File Browser to upload an image, you can simply drag an image into one of the WYSIWYG editors The image will then be saved in your file browser's file uploads directory and will be able to be used again for a future mass mailing

This doesn't work for all browsers, but is confirmed to be support in Firefox 14+

Discussion Lists: Experimental Support for Cleaning up long quoted replies of mailing list openings/signatures Look for the option labeled, Attempt to clean up replies in Dada Bridge

Tabbed Interface for PlainText/HTML Mailing List Messages Dada Mail now allows you to toggle between the HTML, and PlainText versions of your mailing list message with a tabbed interface, instead of showing/hiding each type

Subscription/Unsubscription Admin notices may now go to the entire mailing list It's now an option to send the Subscription and Unsubscription Notices that usually go to the List Owner, to your entire list This could be useful for a discussion list

This feature was commissioned by David Smith for the Adytum Builders discussion list http://adytumbuilders net/

Bugfixes 5 2 0 First Archive message shows incorrect link https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/303

Lack of "message_body" tag in Mailing List Message Template leads to completely blank mailing list message https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/304

Sending Preferences: Amazon SES has strange, blank blue box with nothing in it https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/305

Dada Bridge does not run the mailing monitor, when done checking messages https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/306

Impossible to delete invalid-in-form email address in "Membership >> View" screen https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/307

Changes 5 2 0 WYSIWYG Editors Dada Bridge: Mailing List Message Template Tags for Discussion Lists Will be, "de-Personalized" By default, the Mailing List Messages that ship with Dada Mail have template tags and links that point to various resources for subscribers of a mailing list This includes changing the status of a subscription and logging into a subscriber's Profile These links are personalized for the subscriber, so to avoid any additional entering of information/clicks

These links cause havoc, though, on a discussion list, where messages are replied to and the original message is often quoted, and copied with the reply, as well as forwarded to people, off the list The once-personal links now can be clicked by a third party, initializing such things as unsubscriptions You may edit your Mailing List Message Templates to removed this personalization, but it is another step to set up a successful mailing list

Starting with v5 2 0 of Dada Mail, these links will be, "de-Personalized" automatically for discussion lists For example, a link that goes goes to a specific addresses' profile (or a form to log into a profile), that has their email address already embedded within the link, to pass automatically to Dada Mail:

will have the embedded email address removed:

http://example com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/profile_login/

Similarily, Subscription and Unsubscription links:

http://example com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/u/listname/user/example com

will be changed to,

http://example com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/u/listname/

To avoid problems

FCKeditor listed as "Deprecated" FCKeditor has now been deprecated in Dada Mail for many reasons: Internet Explorer 9 does not work well with FCKeditor, the included File Browser in FCKeditor is very buggy and has unfixed security issues and CKeditor is its natural replacement We do not suggest using FCKeditor, but it is bundled with Dada Mail currently for backwards compatibility We do bundle CKEditor and Tiny MCE, either of which will work better the FCKeditor

$FCKEDITOR_URL and $CKEDITOR_URL Config variables - removed Both the $FCKEDITOR_URL and $CKEDITOR_URL variables will not function as before - use the new $WYSIWYG_OPTIONS variable to configure these editors Having these variables in your " dada_config" file will not cause Dada Mail to error, yet

"By default, reveal: PlainText Version|HTML Version" option removed The Send a Message/Webpage screens now have a tabbed interface for HTML/PlainText messages, so this option has been removed In Beatitude, both versions will be shown, by default

  • This mailing list is a public mailing list - anyone may join or leave, at any time.
  • This mailing list is a group discussion list (unmoderated)
  • Start a new thread, email:

This is the developer discussion mailing list for Dada Mail.

If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:

Documentation for Dada Mail:

Specifically, see the Error FAQ:

To post to this list, send a message to:

All subscribers of this list may post to the list itself.

Topics that are welcome:

  • Constructive critiques on the program (I like, "x", but, "y" needs some work - here's an idea on how to make this better...)
  • Bug/Error reports
  • Bug fixes
  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
  • Patches
  • Language Translations
  • Support Documentation/Doc editing, FAQ's, etc.
  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

Dada Mail is on Github:

If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.

Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.

Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.

We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.

We don't use your email address for any other purpose.

We won't be sharing your email address with any other entity.

Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.

All mailing list messages sent from us will include a subscription removal link, which will allow you to remove yourself from this mailing list automatically, and permanently.

All consent to use your email address for any other purpose stated at the time of the mailing list subscription will also be revoked upon mailing list removal.