Hello Everyone, v5 0 3 has been released:
Here's the changelog,
This release contains primarily bugfixes found in the v5 0 2 release of Dada Mail Many of the issues fix deal with Discussion Mailing Lists
If upgrading from v5 0 0 - v5 0 2, you will not need to create a new config file
The, following meta tag was added to the List and Admin templates:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
This is to help Internet Explorer for Windows use the latest HTML/css fancy features
It's been found that if you do not have, Enable Subscriber Count Logging checked in the Tracker plugin, no logs will be reported for your mass mailings Because of this, this feature has been removed, but will be constantly enabled - so, one less thing to worry about
There's also been an issue revealed that if a mass mailing is created, but for whatever reason, fails to send out automatically, this type of tracking is never done, thus again, breaking the Tracker reports for your mass mailing The reason for a mass mailing being created, but not sent right away remains a mystery and does not happen every time a mass mailing is created, only a minority of the time, for some installations
A check has been put in place to look for this type of tracking information and, if not found, the "Number of Subscribers" tracking information will be put into the Tracker logs, without any further manual intervention
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/280
This error will happen to some, when they try using the Send a Webpage screen or use a URL for a list template This error cropped up when attempting to fix issue #267 (https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/267)
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/281
The problem here is that if you disable counting the number of subscribers you have, when you do a mass mailing, you basically disable tracking that message, since the tracker is looking for the entry about the #subs you have, when creating its report table Because of this, this type of tracking will always be enabled
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/282
This problem happens with discussion lists (and shouldn't affect any other type of mailing list) - you'll see that your invitations go to your invitees, without the template tags parsed
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/283
Similar to issue#282, these messages are sent out, without being templated out
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/288
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
This is the developer discussion mailing list for Dada Mail.
If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:
Documentation for Dada Mail:
Specifically, see the Error FAQ:
To post to this list, send a message to:
All subscribers of this list may post to the list itself.
Topics that are welcome:
Dada Mail is on Github:
If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.
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Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.
We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.
We don't use your email address for any other purpose.
We won't be sharing your email address with any other entity.
Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: justin@dadamailproject.com for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.
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