Dada Mail v5 rc3 is out the door Go ahead and install it:
Or, heck, upgrade:
Changes between v4 and v5:
If you currently have a Pro Dada installation by me and are within your current year of upgrades, please let me know, I'm pretty comfortable upgrading people to v5 and you'll be happy to start using it, sooner, rather than later! :) I basically need to just update the screencasts and (slowly) revise the online Manual v5 stable will be released before I'll ever finish that,
And the 5 x changelog (pasted below as well)
This release of Dada Mail features the continuing work on the Bounce Handler This round of enhancements centers around a new sublist called, "Bouncing Addresses" (or, "bounced_list", internally) You may now direct the Bounce Handler to move addresses that have reached the Bounce Score Threshold to this list, instead of outright removing them from your Subscribers
From there, you may view the bounced history of each bouncing address and either permanently remove the address from your mailing list, or reinstate the address as a subscriber
This release of Dada Mail also features a clean-up of the, "View" screen in Dada Mail These changes are to help a list owner feel more in control over their mailing list, by making the various mailing lists more malleable to work with
Members of all sublists can be easily browsed through using enhancement pagination links - first, last, previous, next pages (etc), as well as more organized searching, that features the same refined user interface The data can now be sorted alphabetically, ascending or descending by email address or by any of the profile fields
Individual subscribers can now be more easily administrated From each subscriber's membership screen, you can now see all the sublists an individual address is a member of and move the address to and from various sublists A running history of the addresses membership is also available
Recent subscription/unsubscription activity is also now easily viewed in a new admin screen titled, Recent Activity which currently shows the last 100 seperate events that have happened in your mailing list
You may now enable or disable sending a copy of Mass Mailings to the List Owner
notification error on discussion list
https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/255
Setting the Precedence header and customizations to that header have been removed in Dada Mail, in an attempt at simplifying things
The Precedence header is still set in Dada Mail by default and given a value of, list
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