• Installation Instructions http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-4_9_0-beta1/install_dada_mail pod html
• Dada Mail 4 9 0 Beta 1 ( tar gz) http://github com/downloads/justingit/dada-mail/dada-4_9_0-beta1 tar gz
• uncompress_dada cgi script (Save Link/Page As ) https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/raw/v4_9_0-beta1_2011_12_04/uncompress_dada cgi
I'm pretty much done with this release, just polishing left If you can download it and give it a whirl and let me know if anything is broken (including the installation process!), I would be most appreciative The bounce handler docs have been updated quite a bit:
If there is anything that needs fixing, you can actually do that right on Github:
pl (log into github, first)
Docs start at the end - do a search for, "=pod" (around line 1718) Pod works like this:
Changelog is below:
4 9 0 This release is currently in BETA and there are many unknown bugs Many Probably
Please do not use in a production environment
Only use for testing
Summary 4 9 0 This release focuses on many parts of Dada Mail to optimize performance Benefits of all this work include faster mass sending speeds Potentially must faster
* Sending performance has been optimized
Less memory used, faster
template parsing
* Amazon SES sending performance has also been improved
* New time and date template tags available
* HTML::Template::Pro support added
* Bounce Handler improvements, including per-list preferences and a
"bounce score decay" feature
Features 4 9 0 Bounce Handler Rename to: Bounce Handler The Bounce Handler (Known in the past as, "Mystery Girl") has been renamed to simply, Bounce Handler I don't very much listen to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs anymore
The config variable $PLUGIN_CONFIGS also referred to this plugin as,
"Mystery_Girl" - as in this code snippet:
Myster_Girl => {
Server => undef,
Username => undef,
Password => undef,
This has also been change to simply, "Bounce_Handler":
Bounce_Handler => {
Server => undef,
Username => undef,
Password => undef,
Set Scorecard Prefs per-list, instead of Globally Bounce Handler preferences, including the Soft Bounce Score, Hard Bounce Score and Score Threshold are now set per mailing list, instead of having to be set in the global config
Decaying Scores Bounce Scores can now, decay, or be reduced every time a mass mailing is sent out This is to help minimize scores from email addresses that temporarily have had problems with delivery, but are otherwise valid email addresses An email address's bounce score will also now be automatically removed, if the score goes at or below, 0
Bounce Scorecard Conveniently on the default screen The Bounce Scorecard is now presented on the default screen for the bounce handler, instead of being shown on a separate screen Navigating the scorecard is now a little more intuitive, as well
Forward bounces to List Owner Bounce messages can now be forwarded to the List Owner, once the Bounce Handler has reviewed the message
SES Support Dada Mail/Bounce Handler should now have support for Amazon SES sending This is still marked as, Experimental (as is SES support in total), but SES-specific rules have been whipped up Please give us feedback!
HTML::Template::Pro support, Faster Template Rendering "HTML::Template::Pro" renders the templates that Dada Mail uses throughout the app, including HTML screens and custom email messages, much faster than what's included with Dada Mail ("HTML::Template") "HTML::Template::Pro" will need to be installed separately
See the features doc on "HTML::Template::Pro" for more information:
Faster sending using Amazon SES Dada Mail now uses a persistent HTTP connection when talking with Amazon SES This can speed up sending by 3 - 7 seconds/message
New Template Tags for Date/Time Dada Mail now has support for various simple Date and Time formats to use in HTML and Email templates, as well support for more flexible/advanced "strftime" formats:
New import script, dada_archives_backup_to_sql pl This script allows you to import archive data from the backup of a DB File, to the SQL backend This helps if your DB Files are corrupted/incompatible with your current server environment
Changes 4 9 0 Documentation Updates A new/update entry in the General FAQ, Tuning Dada Mail to Send Mass Mailings Faster:
Installer: some plugins/extensions installed by default * Mailing Monitor (although the cronjob will still need to be set, manually)
* Change Root Password
* Screen Cache
* Log Viewer
* Tracker
* Multiple Subscribe
* AJAX'd Subscription Form
* Blog Index
CPAN Module Changes and Updates LWP unbundled The "LWP" group of Perl modules is no longer available with Dada Mail "LWP" is used for such things as, Send a Webpage and some web services, like Amazon SES You will have to install "LWP" yourself Most shared hosting companies will have this already installed, for you
MIME::Tools upgraded to v5 502 This upgrade to MIME::Tools has a very positive improvement on sending speed
Bugfixes 4 9 0 Unsub Notices when removing addresses from the email come with unsub link? https://github com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/240
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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If you are just looking for support Dada Mail, consult the message boards at:
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Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.
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