On Nov 13, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Mary Ann wrote:
These templating improvements won't affect sending straight HTML without templates, right? I send with my own message composed entirely outside of Dada (except for the appended signature that Dada adds)
Actually, it'll affect everyone that sends an HTML mailing, no matter how you created it It was pretty startling to look at memory usage to creep up and up and up when the mass mailing was going on And startling again to see it not happen, when the bug was resolved I was only "sending" to 300 people It's easy to imagine what sending to 10x as many subscribers would do to memory usage
If someone sends an attachment to the list that is too large, the message is simply not put through Shouldn't there be a rejection notice sent that the attachment was too large so the sender knows what happened? Or was one sent and she just didn't get it? (ver 4 7 2)
Yeah, a message like that should have been sent, with the original attached It's possible, if not comical, that the original message was so large, that the notice that it was too large (with the large message, attached), was too large to be sent :)
Although, there's two limits - a "soft" max and a "large" max The "message too large!" will only be sent to someone if they send a message between the, "soft" and "large" maximum Those maxes are 1 and 2 5 meg, respectfully
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