Re: Template Optimizations/Enhancements

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: November 11th 2011

On Nov 11, 2011, at 7:38 AM, MM John wrote:

Before testing it, I would have to be sure that I would not be changing something that would prevent me from going back to the earlier version (if it ain't broke, etc)

I work really hard for forward-compatibility - being able to work with old lists in with a new Dada Mail, but it's not too too realistic for me to be able to do the opposite That's a lot to ask for

The improvement that has me the most interested in upgrading has not been implemented yet It's the changes suggested to Bounce handler in which soft bounces are cleared if mail to a recipient is accepted on subsequent mailings There are other nice features, but I've gotten by without them so far

You can help sponsor that, as well :)

So I need the speed, they should be received by the subscribers at close to the same time of day I can send the 25,000 in about an hour with the old version so I can get all three out in 3 - 4 hours Close enough

In all honesty, it's probably not going to happen Dada Mail 4 does a lot more than Dada Mail 2 Speed isn't a huge priority with me, although I don't mind working on efficiency The vast majority of users of Dada Mail have limits of 500 messages they are allowed to send, per hour If I can get out 2 or 3 fully templated out messages a second (10,000 messages sent an hour), I'm pretty darn happy

It's pretty hard to know what your deliverability is actually with Dada Mail 2x Do you have any idea (meaning: data)?

By your tests as indicated here http://dadamailproject com/images/dev/html_template_pro_optimizations jpg You state that you are saving 8 secs for 10 messages, extrapolating to a savings of 5 5hrs for a 25000 list Maybe I'm missing something, but looking at the other column, it appears to indicate that it took 16secs to send ten Therefore, 16secs * 2500 / 3600 secs/hr = 11 1 hrs Ooops

I follow both our maths and we're talking about different things I'm saying there's a savings of ~5 5 hours for a 25k list, you're saying that a 25k list would still take 11 1 hrs 24secs * 2500 / 3600 secs/hr = 16 67 hrs, right? So the time savings is still 5 5 hours

But again, YMMV These are artificial tests with a code profiler (which will also slow things down, probably), not sending anything out, just writing them email message to a file


On Nov 11, 2011, at 7:38 AM, MM John wrote:

Before testing it, I would have to be sure that I would not be changing something that would prevent me from going back to the earlier version (if it ain't broke, etc)

The improvement that has me the most interested in upgrading has not been implemented yet It's the changes suggested to Bounce handler in which soft bounces are cleared if mail to a recipient is accepted on subsequent mailings There are other nice features, but I've gotten by without them so far

But I'd even forego that feature if I had to give up a lot of speed to get it Your sample of an 180kb message is about my norm for my weekly mailer It's mostly html formatted text with a few small logos that reside on my server In addition to the large one, I have sometimes sent two more smaller ones on the same day So I need the speed, they should be received by the subscribers at close to the same time of day I can send the 25,000 in about an hour with the old version so I can get all three out in 3 - 4 hours Close enough

By your tests as indicated here http://dadamailproject com/images/dev/html_template_pro_optimizations jpg You state that you are saving 8 secs for 10 messages, extrapolating to a savings of 5 5hrs for a 25000 list Maybe I'm missing something, but looking at the other column, it appears to indicate that it took 16secs to send ten Therefore, 16secs * 2500 / 3600 secs/hr = 11 1 hrs Ooops Whereas I can send ten in 1 05 secs based on the 7 per second rate I am getting

I use a Mac so I think I can ssh to the server using Terminal, but I've never done it before so I'd need some direction

I'm intrigued, but I need to know more


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