(clickthrough tracker has now been disabled)
On May 8, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Yehuda Katz wrote:
I should be clearer Most of the links since you enabled the click-through tracker show the original url but the href attribute is the click-through,
Right For HTML messages, the tracker will only look in the "href" parameter to change things around,
but in that message they did not
Hmm- I'm trying to find the message you're talking about - the only one I can find from Mary Ann is the one where she said,
The clickthrough tracker has always displayed links this way
Warm regards,
Mary Ann
And below that, there's a quoted message and the usual footer for this list Those links are just links - they haven't been run through the redirect-linkify filter
It could be because those links are created using Dada Mail tags - like the unsub link:
<!-- tmpl_var list_unsubscribe_link -->
The workflow current goes that redirect links are parsed out first, before the message goes through the rest of the template parsing process This is mostly to save time, since we only need to run the message once through the clickthrough trackify stuff, but once per message of the rest of the template stuff So, redirect links with template tags aren't going to work
For example, this won't work (let's see if it shows up correctly in the sent response!):
html?email=<!-- tmpl_var subscriber
email -->
This redirect tag would be entirely dynamic and be different for each subscriber on your list In this way, you could track redirects by email address if you want I'd like to shy away from such use of the clickthrough tracker stuff and keep things relatively anonymous
One of the differences between the old and new clickthrough trackers is that the IP address is logged for clickthroughs and opens, so you can get a better idea of location, if you so wanted In Dada Mail, this is done with a database of IP addresses and locations, which is pretty fast to go through a few thousand different IPs to get their location and compile a report A lot faster than doing DNS lookups
It's not perfect, but you can get a good idea of what country someone's coming from and with the right database/lookup, a good idea of province and even city Perhaps even within a few blocks within that city :) Dada Mail won't ship with anything like that, but will give you a per-country, uh, "granularity" I think to get state/province granularity, which would be useful, you'll need to pay a nominal fee for the IP database (which could be worth it, for some users), or do an IP lookup for each IP address (which is costly, in time)
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