I haven't had this exact problem, but I have had people tell me they were unsubscribed when they didn't want to be I always assumed that it was due to a forwarded email and the forwardee clicked the unsubscribe link, but I bet it is link prefetching (which I had never heard of until now) I am seriously considering not using the embedded unsubscribe link and instead linking to the unsubscription form, preventing the auto-unsubscribe by just clicking the link I doubt that helps you, but I'm sort of thinking out loud here
Warm regards,
Mary Ann
-----Original Message----- From: Justin J [mailto:justin@dadamailproject com] Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 7:31 PM To: Dada Mail Developers Subject: [dadadev] Unsubscribe/Subscribe Confirmation Email Looping?
Hello everyone,
I'm getting some troubling reports from various users, who say that they're getting reports from members of their list that unsubscribe from a newsletter, or to be resubscribed, then unsubscribed, etc in a huge loop
Has anyone on this list experience this problem? Got any other idea what may be going on?
It's very strange, since it happens to maybe 1 out of every 10,000 subscribers The link prefetching could be a sign that the user's machine has been comprised with some sort of virus and this is just a weird side effect of some sort of logging system of the virus itself - I dunno I could really use some help to get to the bottom of all this, though,
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