My online calendar system uses tinyMCE to format text in one of the
It works very well and has many user configurable options
Is it compatible with DadaMail?
On Sep 23, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Justin J wrote:
On Sep 23, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Alex Judd wrote:
Very exciting - would you mind giving a brief overview of what it
adds (guessing here that you add people's twitter accounts and send them
'emails' too)??Ha, no nothing like that All this does, is "Tweet" on your behalf,
when you send a message out The tweet will consist of the Subject
of the message and the URL to the archived message, so they can
check out the restKinda goes with the whole idea of sending a message, archiving it,
syndicating it and now, I guess - tweeting it Perhaps saves a few
seconds for someone who's trying to get the word out in a number of
different servicesCKeditor is just the new version of FCKeditor It looks really nice
and feels quite zippy, so it's a great improvement, but it lacks a
file/image upload plugin that's free - you can buy a fancy one for
$59 It would be a bad idea for me to totally take support for
FCKeditor out of the program, in favor of CKeditor right now,
because of this missing feature So, for now, you have a choiceOne other thing I didn't really talk about is that most of the fancy
AJAX-y stuff that Dada Mail uses is now moved to the prototype js
and Scriptalicious frameworks It makes the interface in Dada Mail a
little fancier, although I'm using it in very modest doses-- Justin J
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://dadamailproject com
Demo: http://demo dadamailproject com
Seen Dada Mail 3? http://dadamailproject com/features/3_0/
On Sep 23, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Alex Judd wrote:
Hi Justin
Very exciting - would you mind giving a brief overview of what it
adds (guessing here that you add people's twitter accounts and send them
'emails' too)??Otherwise I can read the code but it's far more dastardly coming
from the brains that concocted it all!Alex
Skywire | www skywire co uk | alex@skywire co uk T: 020 7229 0208 M: 07740 305 115 S: 020 7870 9940 7-9 Botts Mews | Notting Hill | London W2 5AG Registered in England No 04362840 | VAT No: 795 5843 67 Please don't print this email and help the environment
-----Original Message----- From: Justin J [mailto:justin@dadamailproject com] Sent: 23 September 2009 07:05 To: Dada Mail Developers Subscriber Subject: Misc Dada Developments Twitter, CKeditor
Randomly, I just merged in the Twitter support I've been playing
with, into Dada MailI've also begun putting in Experimental CKeditor support, it's just about done as well I guess it wasn't too hard,
-- Justin J
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://dadamailproject com
Demo: http://demo dadamailproject com
Seen Dada Mail 3? http://dadamailproject com/features/3_0/
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