On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:17 PM, John Collins wrote:
What I'm guessing is that my large emails, 160kb plus large user
database, plus extra fields in settings database, plus perhaps a
hosting anomaly is causing either the app or perl to hiccup when the
sending monitor attempts to reload before the email is compiled and
sending starts
I kind of concur
I ran into this problem when working on the multiple
list sending stuff for 3
1 and the time it was taking to compile a
sending for say, 400 lists (don't ask!) was enormous and you'd get a
broken mailout error (sometimes), since everything wasn't in place,
before Dada Mail refreshed to the mailing monitor screen
I don't know if changing the refresh rate will help, since that first
refresh/redirect to the mailing monitor will funk it up (possibly), as
would any visit to any list control panel screen
But, try editing this file:
You'll see the Javascript that refreshes the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
refreshpage(, "https://dadamailproject
Change, "" to another number - the
number you use will be the seconds it'll take to refresh
You could also change this in the mail cgi file Find these lines:
my $refresh_after = 10;
$refresh_after = $li->{bulk_sleep_amount}
if $refresh_after < $li->{bulk_sleep_amount};
And just remove:
$refresh_after = $li->{bulk_sleep_amount}
if $refresh_after < $li->{bulk_sleep_amount};
And change this line:
my $refresh_after = 10;
To whatever you'd like So, if it's 60 seconds you want, do this:
my $refresh_after = 60;
Happy Hacking,
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