Dada Mail 3.0.4 Stable, 3.1.0 Alpha 2 released

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: July 7th 2009

Here's the changelog for 3 0 4 - it's mostly a bugfix release:


3 0 4

Download 3 0 4 � tar gz http://downloads sourceforge net/mojomail/dada-3_0_4 tar gz?use_mirror=voxel

� zip

http://downloads sourceforge net/mojomail/dada-3_0_4 zip?use_mirror=voxel

Changes 3 0 4 This release focuses almost soley on bug fixes and ease of upgrading
from previous versions, most especially, version 3 0 23 (the last
stable release) and earlier versions

Default List Setting Changes 3 0 4 We've changed one list setting in Dada Mail, 3 0 4,
enable_mass_subscribe It's now set to, 0

enable_mass_subscribe changes the behaviour of Dada Mail and when set
to, 0 you won't be able to mass-subscribe subscribers, via the list
control panel

Do not fret

You may enable the mass-subscription of subscribers in the list
control panel, by logging into the list control panel with the Dada
Mail Root Password and going to: Manage List Control Panel - Options
and checking the option labeled, Enable, ``Subscribe Checked
Subscribers'' button in the, Manage Subscribers - Add -> Verify> screen

You may also enable this feature by default globally in the Config pm
file, in the %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS variable (look for the key,
enable_mass_subscribe and change its value to, 1

There are really good reasons why you should not mass-subscribe people
except for importing an already existing and verified list Other than
that, it should never, ever be used and we'd like to hit that point
home, as people, who shall remain nameless, can't possibly get a clue
on why it could be a bad idea It's 2009, by the way

We've written a very well thought out response and encourage you to
follow good measures when adding people to your mailing list:

http://dadamailproject com/installation/using_dada_mail html#subscriptions

If you cannot follow this, than maybe Dada Mail is not for you Once
again, this option can be re-enabled easily and is only disabled to
give you pause and perhaps allow you to think about just what you're
going to get yourself into, if you go mass-subscribing addresses
without first properly validating and verifying the addresses With
that, we honestly wash our hands of this issue

This setting also makes it easy to globally and irrevocably disable
the feature of mass-subscription of unverified addresses, by adding
this list setting to the %LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDEvariable, like this:

%LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES = ( enable_mass_subscribe => 0, );

Of course, such a decision would have to be made by the person
installing the program, or, providing the program for easy installation

CPAN Modules 3 0 4 � LWP upgraded to: 5 827 LWP is a key module distribution for the, ``Send a Webpage''
functionality of Dada Mail

� CGI::Sessoion upgrade to: 4

CGI::Session handles all session management in Dada Mail

� List-Utils Scalar-Utils

The CPAN perl modules, Scalar::Util and List::Util are included with
Dada Mail, but aren't actively used, so that any server-wide installed
versions will be used, instead This is because the XS versions of
these modules are needed for POP/SMTP SSL connections and having these
usable by default, breaks SSL connections The directories,

dada/DADA/perllib/List and,

dada/DADA/perllib/Scalar have been renamed,

dada/DADA/perllib/List-remove_to_install and,

dada/DADA/perllib/Scalar-remove_to_install renaming them back to their original name will make them, ``active''

Bug Fixes 3 0 4 � 2817601 3 0 3 - grammar: your/you're in error_black_listed_screen tm https://sourceforge net/tracker/?group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2816670 3
3 - External 
dada_config not setting variable

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2816670&group_id=13002&atid=113002

(remember to still set the variable in the outside config file to, 2!

� 2769423 3
3 - Msg size always reported

http://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2769423&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 3
3 If a current subscriber attempts to subscribe again

https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=2778910&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2784714 3
3 - specific list_settings not webified in HTML emails

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2784714&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2768141 3
0 - mistake in sub erase_score_card

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2768141&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2791876 3
3 - spaces in attachment filenames make file unviewable

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2791876&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2791550 3
3 - Undefined subroutine _mime_headers_from_string

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2791550&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2791304 Discussion list spam vulnerability

https://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2791304&group_id=13002&atid=113002

� 2790606 3
3 - Can't use string (``xxxxxxxx'') as a HASH ref

http://sourceforge net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2790606&group_id=13002&atid=113002


Dada 3 1 0 Alpha 2 was released and all the changes are in, "master"
I do encourage you to pick up the latest and greatest tarball and
test Amongst other things (Like having things that are made /mostly/
work), I've added quite a few bits of documentation, including:

Introduction to Dada Mail Profiles

http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-dada-3_1_0-alpha_2/3 1_dada_profiles_overview pod html

Introduction to the (newer) API and a map to all of Dada Mail's

http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-dada-3_1_0-alpha_2/API_introduction pod html

And docs for the new API (not all done, but a fair good amount done)









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Topics that are welcome:

  • Constructive critiques on the program (I like, "x", but, "y" needs some work - here's an idea on how to make this better...)
  • Bug/Error reports
  • Bug fixes
  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
  • Patches
  • Language Translations
  • Support Documentation/Doc editing, FAQ's, etc.
  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

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If you would like to fork, branch, send over PRs, open up issues, etc.

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This Privacy Policy is for this mailing list, and this mailing list only.

Email addresses collection through this mailing list are used explicitly to work within this email discussion list.

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