Re: RFC: Dada Bridge enhancements

From: "Justin J" <justin@PROTECTED>
Date: May 12th 2009

Currently, there seem to be these "list_type" users: list_owner
(implied), list (subscriber), authorized_senders, and testers (???), (not
including the white/black/confirm/invite pseudo-types) It appears I'll be adding "moderators" (actually a holdover from a previous version) and

At least right now, these are all called, "sublists" - except the list
owner, which really doesn't fit in within the model

http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-dada-3_0_3/MailingList_Subscribers pm html#subscription_list_model

What are/would be the "roles" of these types in relation to a
discussion list and moderation?

Well, right now, it's all much more simpler than you're laying out At
least for Dada Bridge, there's basically two modes,



  • Announce Only only the list owne can send to the list

  • Discussion Only the list owner and subscribers can send to the list

And, that's it

There's a few different options:

The, "Authorized Senders" feature was added, since there's situations
where you want a bunch of people to be able to send to an announce- only list, but not necessarily other subscribers I'm not sure if the,
"Authorized Senders" really is useful outside of an announce only list

etc, etc,

I haven't really thought about hard and fast roles for all of this, so
here are my opinions of what you've laid out:

  • list_owner => ALWAYS sends without restriction, NEVER moderated,
    ALWAYS moderates???

Sure, but the, "Always moderates" should only be there, since
something may happen where the moderators shouldn't moderate - like
when they get into a situation where they shouldn't moderate their own
message I think people would find it useful for the list owner to not
have to moderate, though

  • list => receives approved messages, OPTIONALLY sends messages,
    OPTIONALLY moderated, OPTIONALLY allowed to moderate (in lieu of using
    "moderators", as in a "random pool of subscribers")

That's all fine - you may want to think of the, "announce-only" and,
"discussion" modes as pretty high level, though

  • authorized_senders => OPTIONALLY sends without restriction,
    OPTIONALLY moderated (or are they like the list_owner)???,

A good question It could def be a pref, either way

For things like these:

NEVER receives (unless also a subscriber), NEVER allowed to moderate (unless also a moderator)



  • moderators => NEVER sends (unless also an authorized_senders), NEVER receives (unless also a subscriber), OPTIONALLY allowed to moderate
    (in lieu of only using list_owner)


  • "non-subscriber" => OPTIONALLY sends messages (if
    open_discussion_list), ALWAYS moderated (if moderation is used), NEVER receives, moderates,

I never really thought about in such detail I don't mind such a
model, but we'd just as well better rewrite the plugin ;)

  1. Should the list_owner ALWAYS receive a moderation accept/reject
    message? Or should they be exempted if using moderators and/or a random pool of subscribers?

I think there should at least be an option to be exempted But you'll
run into problems, as I've noted above


  1. Should authorized_senders ALWAYS be treated as a list_owner with unrestricted sending, or should there be an OPTION to moderate those
    posts? More like a white list for unmoderated sending?

Again, I think keeping it as an option to have their messages
moderated would be nice, but I also think authorized senders make more
sense in announce-only mode

  1. Therefore, by definition "moderators" (only) moderate, and "authorized_senders" (only) send? If both roles are wanted for a
    user, the e-mail name must assigned both list_types?

Basically I think

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