Hi Samer,
The clone-a-list code is something I have been looking for Can you provide instructions on how to create the API and where this code is put? Thanks
----- Original Message ----- From: "Samer Bechara" farrooda@gmail com To: "[list_settings list_name] Subscriber" ckuczun@PROTECTED Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:31 PM Subject: [dadadev] Re: Creating a new list via API does not generate all values
I have attached the whole code to clone a list via API, it should be useful for someone Comments are inside
Justin J wrote: >
I am trying to create a new list via the Dadamail API I am using the DADA::MailingList Create method
However, when I create the list, only 4 fields are being inserted into the database (list, admin_menu, cipher_key, fallback_field_values) I checked the LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS variable, and it contains all the elements However, for some reason, these aren't being loaded into the database (MySQL backend) Why is this occurring?
I know you've solved your problem using a different method, but would you mind posting the code you were trying to get working when using, DADA::MailingList::Create?
Post: dadadev@PROTECTED
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use strict;
This program adds a new mailing list to dadamail via API, it takes the
following arguments:
1) The name of the list to be created
2) The password of the list
3) The email address of the list owner, e g address emails are being
sent from
use lib '/var/www/cgi-bin/smartdev/list';
use DADA::MailingList; use DADA::MailingList::Settings; use DADA::Security::Password;
Create List - Returns a DADA::MailingList::Settings object
Here is where I was getting the error, only 4 fields were
being added: list, admin_menu, cipher_key, fallback_field_values
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Create({ list => $ARGV[$0] });
Get values from template list
my $templatels = DADA::MailingList::Settings->new( { -list => 'SmartWeb', # SmartWeb is the name of the template list } ); my $params = $templatels->get;
Apply all settings of the template mailing list to the list just created
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$params) ) {
Skip the list param which is unchangeable
if($key eq "list"){ next; }
$ls->param($key, $value); }
Generate the password from second argument
my $enc_pass = encrypt_passwd($ARGV);
# Save a setting $ls->save( { list_name => "John Brennan Hair - " $ARGV,
info => $params->{info} ", " $ARGV " branch", password => $enc_pass, list_owner_email => $ARGV, privacy_policy => $params->{privacy_policy}, physical_address => "John Brennan Hair, " $ARGV ", Australia", } );
exit 0;
Post: dadadev@PROTECTED
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