Re: Default Values for New Lists

From: "Frans Gouverne" <f.gouverne@PROTECTED>
Date: April 28th 2009

----- Original Message ----- From: "Justin J" justin@PROTECTED To: "[list_settings list_name] Subscriber" f.gouverne@PROTECTED Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:10 PM Subject: [dadadev] Re: Default Values for New Lists


At 3:45 PM -0400 4/21/09, Frans Gouverne wrote:

Did you select a list to clone? If so, does the error also shows up when you do not clone? Is there a string named "864313574052" somewhere in your config file? Do you use your existing data base, or did you create a new one? I suppose you use SQL? Are you able to check if there is a setting named "864313574052" in your dada_settings table, e g by using phpadmin?

Fixed You were right, I found the string named "864313574052" in the mySql Db

Frans, to stop this type of thing, this is what I've been doing: In your code in the dada/DADA/MailingList pm file

http://github com/zwerfkat/dada-mail-3 0 x/blob/7365a75f5f27ca77c1706298810c77487fbb9425/dada/DADA/MailingList pm

you can change:

if ( exists( $args->{ -clone } ) ) {
    my $clone_ls =
      DADA::MailingList::Settings->new( { -list => $args->{ - 

clone }, } ); my %to_clone = %{ $clone_ls->params }; foreach (@DADA::Config::LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE) { if ( exists( $to_clone{$} ) ) { delete( $toclone{$} ); } } %{ $args->{ -settings } } = ( %toclone, %{ $args->{ - settings } } ); }

$ls->save( $args->{ -settings } );


if ( exists( $args->{ -clone } ) ) {
    my $clone_ls =
      DADA::MailingList::Settings->new( { -list => $args->{ - 

clone }, } ); my %to_clone = %{ $clone_ls->params }; foreach (@DADA::Config::LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE) { if ( exists( $to_clone{$} ) ) { delete( $toclone{$} ); } } %{ $args->{ -settings } } = ( %toclone, %{ $args->{ - settings } } ); }


foreach(keys %to_clone){ if(! exists($DADA::Config::LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS{$})){ warn "Skipping setting: $ in clone "; delete( $to_clone{$_} ); } }


$ls->save( $args->{ -settings } );

Thanks, that almost worked: you have to be sure the new part is inside the "if ( exists( $args->{ -clone } ) ) { }" block, otherwise variable "%to_clone" is undefined which leads to a program error if you do NOT clone a list

That'll just make sure you're only copying over settings that are presently used and it'll leave the old ones alone I made the, "unregistered settings!" error, since I was having trouble with mis- spelling the names of the settings and a lot of bugs started cropping up

-- Justin J

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