Dada Mail 3
1 is released after a good long bug-release cycle, where
we squashed about 23 (reported) bugs
There's probably a bit more, but
that's how it goes
You can grab it at:
Also, the fundraiser idea I've been asking for ideas on is up and
running at:
You can make a donation at:
and you can even vote on which feature I should work on at:
The idea of the fundraiser is to speed up development of features that
people want in the program
Right now, features get added, sort of,
"When I feel like it", which works with no one's schedule, but my own
So, the idea is to give a little incentive on getting the feature in
right now, not, "when I feel like it" and have a little money to
cover the costs of me developing the feature and not starving while
doing that
Each feature is going to take about a month to do
If you
do the math, the money raised is only offset developing costs a little
bit - let's say around 10% - 25% of it, but it should give me a good
window to get the ball rolling
That's it!
For us 'mericans, happy Turkey Day and Buy Nothing Day, and welcome to
the holidaze season! I'm personally looking forward to Eating a Lot,
as I just renewed my gym membership at the city gym and I'm thinking
about doing a 2,900 mile mountain bike race in the summer that I'll
need to put a few miles in before the starting gun goes off ;)
Start a new thread, email:
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