On Nov 26, 2008, at 2:16 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote:
Request for this feature has been showing up several times the last
few years I already implemented this feature myself because my
users of dada are non-technical guys and they are using 3 different
kind of lists (discussion, anounce only, hiddden) They have really
no idea how to change all options to meet a specific list so that's
why such a feature is great to have Below a snapshot of my solution
(based on version 2 10 as you can see) By default, the default
options from the config file are being used It does not cause
confusion this way in my experience(a bunch of code)
Yeah, that's basically how I'd do it ;)
There would still be some gotchas to work out, though
You wouldn't
want to copy over all of the list settings from your "default options"
list - the one that comes to my mind is some of the Dada Bridge
settings - especially the List Email, which you def
don't want copied
But the majority of settings shouldn't cause too much trouble
and as you've shown, it's not that big of a change in the code
I can update the code you've made and pop it into the features-branch
and people can have a go at it, no problem,
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