Justin, thanks - I tested your code and it does, indeed, preserve the subscriber fields I know there is no verification that the person changing the email address is authorized Could the admin of the list be sent an email when email changes are made, just like the notification when a new subscriber joins?
Where is the "Allow list subscribers to update their own information", feature? I couldn't find it
Carl K
----- Original Message ----- From: "Justin J" justin@dadamailproject com To: "Dada Mail Developers Subscriber" ckuczun@PROTECTED Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 9:31 PM Subject: [dadadev] Re: Wish List Item - Change Email Address
One very nice DadaMail feature is the ability to change your email address in all subscriptions at once using the /dada/extensions/ update_subscription cgi However when you do, all the other added subscription fields are blanked out I don't recall if it was doing that before this latest update
It was:
http://dadamailproject com/support/documentation-dada-3_0_0/dada2_to_dada3 pod html#extension__update_subscription_cgi
I don't really like this extension, since there's no check that the person doing the update is the actual person who owns the email address A better thing would be, instead of updating this extension, is just to go forward all away with the, "Allow list subscribers to update their own information", feature in Dada Mail, which would include email subscriptions It doesn't even need all the session management I write about in that feature, just another confirmation process, almost exactly like the subscription confirmation, exactly it'll update the subscription
If you do want to fix this bug and are comfortable with the idea that there isn't any, "Are you really the subscriber?" check, find these two lines in the, update_subscription cgi extension:
$lh->remove_from_list(-List => $, -EmailList => [$old_email]); $lh->add_to_email_list(-List => $, -EmailRef => [$new_email]);
And replace them with:
my $sub_info = $lh->get_subscriber( { -email => $old_email, -type => 'list', } ); $lh->remove_subscriber( { -email => $old_email, -type => 'list', } ); $lh->add_subscriber( { -email => $new_email, -type => 'list', -fields => $sub_info, } );
and the subscriber fields information will be retained
-- Justin J
Dada Mail - Write Once: Distribute Everywhere Software url: http://dadamailproject com
Demo: http://demo dadamailproject com
Seen Dada Mail 3? http://dadamailproject com/features/3_0/
On Nov 7, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Carl G Kuczun wrote:
One very nice DadaMail feature is the ability to change your email address in all subscriptions at once using the /dada/extensions/ update_subscription cgi However when you do, all the other added subscription fields are blanked out I don't recall if it was doing that before this latest update If you are still taking wish-list requests, would it be possible to preserve these fields and just change the email address?
Carl K
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