Hi Dada Developers
If you're after a great hosting provider for Dada that doesn't throttle usage or processor times have a chat to Keith @ KGBInternet who we use for our DaDa installs http://www kgbinternet com/
I get no kick back or anything for this, his servers really are the best we have found for hosting DaDa and we are using 100,000+ lists with no throttling and sometimes taking up to 2-3 hours to send!
Skywire | www skywire co uk | alex@skywire co uk T: 020 7229 0208 M: 07740 305 115 S: 020 7870 9940 7-9 Botts Mews | Notting Hill | London W2 5AG Registered in England No 04362840 | VAT No: 795 5843 67 Please don't print this email and help the environment
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Scherzinger [mailto:bruce@joomlander
Sent: 13 August 2008 00:16
To: Dada Mail Developers Subscriber
Subject: [dadadev] Re: How to set up dadamail as a discussion list
My provider has the same limitation on processing time per script They also have a limit on the number of outbound (SMTP or otherwise) emails a single hosted account can send per hour (250) Given a list of 100 subscribers, only one post and reply per hour would be possible and then after the second reply within the same hour only half the subscribers would get the email You might want to check into that
I don't think running Dada Mail every 2 5 minutes is excessive, but I run mine every 10 minutes The script still takes as long as it takes, but there's additional latency I have to use batch mode to send an email every 15 seconds or batches less frequently to avoid going over the 250-email limit
Hope this helps
Steve Litt wrote:
Thanks Carl,
dada_bridge pl was indeed the answer Thank you!
Do you think having it run every 2 5 minutes imposes an unacceptable load on my web-host's server? When the list is enabled, it will have about 100 subscribers and 10-30 posts per day
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