I am using feature "Send a Webpage" to send as web page as a newsletter However, several subscribers were reporting they didn't received the email It turned out that the email was stored in the spam folder of their account Happens with Google (Gmail), Yahoo and some other providers here in the Netherlands Apparently some subscribers do not know the existance or meaning of this spam folder
To test this I created a new Gmail account and I can confirm the behaviour I discovered that the email is marked as spam because of javascript code inside the html page This code is there for statistics (Statcounter) I also wonder if there are any mail clients who are willing to execute script code from an email?
Anyway, to get rid of all script code I have overrided method "parse" from MIME:LITE::HTML inside DADA/App/MyMIMELiteHTML pm To do so, I copied function "sub parse" from HTML pm and stored it in MyMIMELiteHTML pm where I changed the following line:
$gabarit = $self->include_javascript($gabarit,$racinePage);
# Remove Javascript:
print "Done Removing Javascript\n" if $self->{_DEBUG};
Now all javascript code is removed from the html page automatically
The ideal situation (for me) would be an extra checkbox at "Advanced Options " in the "Send a Webpage" screen of dada where you can select to exclude javascript code or not
By the way, I also found a small bug in MIME:LITE::HTML, see this link Finally, I have also submitted a feature request to be able to get rid of javascript code instead of including it
Regards, Frans
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