On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Rob Taylor wrote:
Hi Justin:
If I understand your analysis correctly, these modifications would disable a "one click" list unsubscription process
That's what this will do, if you've selected to have double-opt-out
If you don't want this behaviour - and I can be
sympathetic to those that don't, you can just turn double-opt-out
confirmation off
There's already problems with having this enabled and active even now:
If you forward the message, that unsubscription confirmation URL will
be alive and well in the forwarded message and someone else could
potentially unsubscribe you
If you don't have double-opt-out unsubscriptions, you have two choices
(basically), you can use the:
for unsubscription requests, the user will have to visit Dada Mail and
fill out their email address and press a button,
Or you could use something like this:
Which (I think) should give you one-click unsubscription again
I'm a
little up in arms as to whether having the email address automatically
entered into a form is a good idea or not
One one hand: it makes
things real convenient, on the other, it's just another place where
the email address is embedded in the email message, in a url, ready to
be clicked, by anyone (the forwarding problem, again)
Having the ability to have the List Unsubscription Confirmation URL
tag in a mailing list message isn't really double-opt-out, it's single
opt out, since there's no real confirmation
The behavior really stems from the fact that the pin isn't randomly
generated, but is generated using a formula that uses the subscriber's
email address as a variable
It's main weakness is that it's easily
(probably?) reversible
I should probably fix that asap
Fixing it
does mean changing the behavior of the program from something A LOT of
people have been doing
I'll get angry letters about it, if I go
through with it, I'm certain
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