On Sep 11, 2007, at 8:56 AM, Mariano Absatz wrote:
Well FWIW, I did the checks manually (diff'ing the output of 'SELECT' vs 'SELECT DISTINCT') and it turned out that most duplicates had to do with addresses which had uppercase characters it seems older versions of dada allowed this, so that, if I got 'El Baby@gmail com' in the database and then tried to insert 'el baby@gmail com' I'd succeed ('cause now the verification process is always done in lowercase)
For quite some time, the behavior has been to lowercase the entire
email address, before inserting it into the table (via Dada Mail)
you inserted the address another way, all bets are off
Like anything, there may be a bug in Dada Mail that circumvents this
- if anyone can find it, lemme know
Also, the behavior can be modified via the $EMAIL_CASE Config
From the docs:
[snip] $EMAIL_CASE configures dada to either lowercase ONLY the 'domain' part of an email, or lowercase the entire email address Lowercasing the domain is the correct way, since the 'name' part of an email should be case sensitive, but it is almost never handled that way Set this to 'lc_domain' to lowercase JUST the domain, or set this to 'lc_all' to lowercase the entire email address [/snip]
The RFC states the the name part of the email address is case
sensitive, but this is rarely the case in real life
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