Heya everyone,
I've made some changes to the bounce handler
Along with the other
changes I've mentioned, I've made the score cards list-specific,
instead of global
In fact, all the rules are now (again) list-
specific and the good thing is, you still have to only set up one
bounce handler address for the entire installation
Right now, the
score card is saved in a DB file - I may have the option to also have
the scorecard us an SQL backend, since the SQL backends seem to be
easier for people from other projects to work with and integrate Dada
Mail with their own stuff
You can now run the bounce handler to only work with one list at a
time, either on the command line, or through your web browser, which
is kinda neat
Any bounces that have to do with a different list are
just left there for later
I just recently made it possible to set the required/optional plugin
variables in the Config
pm and the outside
dada_config file for the
bounce handler and now this is also true for dada_bridge
pl and
Beatitude, the scheduled mailer
Also for Beatitude is the ability to
set the cronjob using a URL, instead of having to use the command
line interface, so this makes Beatitude basically a zero
configuration plugin - just upload it, chmod 755 and you have
(Just set the cronjob)
Beatitude has also gotten very preliminary support for the FCKeditor
for its HTML message stuff, which is sort of neat
For a fun semi-
hack, install FCKeditor with the file manager/quick upload support:
faq pod html#how_do_i_get_the_file_browser_working_in_fckeditor
And create an HTML message, with images in the text box labeled, "Use
the following HTML as content: " and then check the option:
Images in this Webpage Should: be embedded in the message itself
In the advanced options and the images in your message will be
embedded in actual email message
That's kinda neat too
Also concerning Mystery Girl, dada_bridge
pl and POP-before-SMTP
authentication, I've finally, finally ripped out all the unique
POP3 login code and made a new module that holds just one instance of
Finally, Bruce @ Joomlander has been quite busy on two Dada Mail/ Joomla! projects:
Dada Mail Subscriptions CB Plug-In v1
Dada Mail Manager v1
He's pretty close to almost completely implement the admin side of
Dada Mail and I think he's working on his own subscription
confirmation stuff
I'll probably release an alpha version of Dada Mail, if anyone wants
to test it out; If there's something specific you want my attention
with, lemme know;
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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