Hey everyone,
I've been playing around with how to speed up the, "Add Subscribers"
screen in Dada Mail
At the moment, it's glacial
I was under the
impression that it's this way simply because the validation process
is resource intensive and if you do something like the validation
process for, say, 10,000 subscribers, it's just gonna take some time
Well, there is some room for improvement and have some fun and try
this out:
In the dada/DADA/MailingList/Subscribers pm file, find these lines:
foreach my $check_this_address(@$new_addresses) {
my ($status, $errors) = $self->subscription_check(-Email =>
$check_this_address, -Type => $args{- Type}, -Skip => [qw( no_list
already_sent_unsub_confirmation )], );
In the, filter_subscribers subroutine and replace them with:
[snip] my $num_subscribers = $self->num_subscribers;
foreach my $check_this_address(@$new_addresses) {
my $errors = {};
my $status = 1;
$errors->{invalid_email} = 1 if
DADA::App::Guts::check_for_valid_email($check_this_address) == 1;
if($args{-Type} ne 'black_list' || $args{-Type} ne
'moderators'){ if($li->{use_subscription_quota} == 1){ if(($num_subscribers + 1) >= $li-> {subscription_quota}){ $errors->{over_subscription_quota} = 1; } } }
if( $errors->{invalid_email} == 1 || $errors->
{over_subscription_quota} == 1){ $status = 0; }
And enjoy the speedup
On my not very scientific tests, submitting a
10,000 addressed list of hopeful subscribers gave me a result in
Doing it the old way took 5
10? minutes - I don't know, I
never had the patience to wait around
My subscriber list was very
small, so your mileage my vary, but this couldn't hurt anything,
that's for sure
Going to do some more testing
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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