On Apr 30, 2007, at 3:54 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote:
Currently I let the customer automatically login to the
send_url_email (Send a web page) screen from the CMS in a new window:/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi?f=login&admin_password='+password +'&auth_state=1&admin_list='+mylist +'&admin_option1=f=send_url_email&admin_option2=url='+newsletter_url;
I had someone ask a similar question on the boards, so I decided to
start some docs (which I said I was going to do anyways) on how to
programmically log into the Dada Mail list control panel
It's a bit
rough, but extrapolates on your ideas - I don't quite pass the
optional arguments though
Here's the docs so far:
Automatic Logging into the list control panel
The login/session system of Dada Mail is based on some sort of
information that's saved on the server side and a cookie that
resides on
the client's web browser
It's slightly awkward to re-implement such a system from another
program, yet it honestly *could* be done
A pre-filled out form
An easier way, if all you want to do is to, say, have a button in
another program's control panel that let's you go right to the
Dada Mail
list control panel is to pre-fill in the form fields required
already filled in form would look like so:
<form action="http://example
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="login" />
<input type="hidden" name="process" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="admin_list" value="yourlist" />
<input type="hidden" name="admin_password"
value="yourpassword" />
And that's all there really is to it
Breaking that down:
* http://example
The URL to your own Dada Mail
* f Throughout Dada Mail, f is used as a shorthand for,
function In this case, the function is to login
* process
Set this to, "true"
* admin_list
This should be set to the listshortname of the list you want
to log in to
* admin_password
This is either the list password, or, the Dada Mail Root
If all this information is correct, you should be able to log
into the Dada Mail list
There's one more field you can pass in this form and that is
set, it'll redirect you to a specific screen in Dada Mail
if you want to log in directly to the, add list control panel,
add this
into the form:
<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="http://example
cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi?f=add" />
Where "http://example
cgi" is the URL to
your Dada Mail
A shortcoming to this technique is that the password required to
log in
will be visible in the source of the HTML you have embedded this
Not so good
Call the screen by mimicking a web browser
Another idea is to write a simple WWW client that'll then post
the CGI
paramaters to Dada Mail and then print back the results
In this
the results will return the cookie information needed to keep the
session alive (or really, start the session), The refresh to the
control panel and the HTML t that says, "Hey! We're logging in!":
use strict;
my $Dada_Mail_URL = 'http://example
my $List = 'yourlist';
my $Password = 'yourpassword';
my $Referer = '';
my $F = 'login';
my $Process = 'true';
use CGI;
my $q = new CGI(
admin_list => $List,
admin_password => $Password,
f => $F,
referer => $Referer,
process => 'process',
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
1 ");
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $Dada_Mail_URL);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success) {
my $doc = $res->as_string;
my ($headers, $body) = split("\n\n", $doc, 2);
my @header_lines = split( /\n(?!\s)/, $headers);
foreach my $header(@header_lines){
my ($label, $value) = split(/:\s*/, $header, 2);
if($label =~m/(Refresh|Set\-Cookie)/){
print $header
print $q->header();
print $body;
else {
print $q->header();
print $res->status_line, "\n";
In the above script, you'll have to fill in the first 6
variables with the correct information
This still leaves the problem of having the password embedded in
the sourcecode of the script
Keeping the List Password Sync'd with the hosting account password One way to get around this, is either save the password in a safer place, or keep the password sync'd with your account password
Regardless of how you've saved the account password, you're
going to need a way to fetch a clear-text (unencrypted) version of it
Then, add something like this to your script that keeps all this
info sync'd up:
use DADA::MailingList::Settings;
use DADA::Security::Password;
my $ls = DADA::MailingList:Settings->new(-List => 'my_list');
password => DADA::Security::Password::encrypt_passwd
('your_password'), });
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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