For those of us who contributed to the fund drive, I think it is reasonable to ask for a little more than a wild guess How do we make this a priority? More development money? With a firm deliverable date we would be willing to contribute more It is obviously a very big project
I like the idea of integrating Dada with Joomla and would be happy to work on a component based on your spec We are also in the situation where clients are demanding multi-field functionality
Thanks for your work on this
// Rob Taylor
Hi Justin,
don't get mad at me for asking, but do you have an estimate date for the multiple fields thingie working?
I've been off the list for some time the only dada installation I have is old and working perfectly (if it ain't broke, don't fix it), but now I'm being asked to set up one in which they need to have additional info for each address and I'd like to know if you have an estimate for this long awaited feature (we're talking weeks, months, years or, as usual, we don't know)
I can live with a wild guess date and won't complain if you don't meet that hey, I'm used to debian's release cicle :-D
-- Mariano Absatz - El Baby el (dot) baby (AT) gmail (dot) com el (punto) baby (ARROBA:@) gmail (punto) com
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