On Aug 23, 2006, at 3:45 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote:
It's very likely that "el cheapo web hosts" do not support cron
jobs When such a web host allows you to send 300 emails per hour
(a large web hoster in the Netherlands uses this maximum) and you
have a list of 3000 members, you need to have the browser opened
for at least 10 hours, or not? Would it be possible to start the
monitor script with a cronjob from another web server? Just a thought
If you don't want/can't use the cronjob, the choices are basically,
keep your browser open, or I guess I could provide instructions on
how to run the monitor tool every time Dada Mail itself is run (for
whichever reason)
I sort of see that as a hack and not as attractive
as the cronjob and if you can't run that, less attractive than the
auto refresh web-based monitor
Having a script from another server
trigger the monitor is even more of a hack
The farther down we go, the less reliability we're going to have and
the more confusion we'll create
I'll keep all these ideas in mind
It's really interesting to me that the market hasn't done a good job
for consumers
If these are things people require: programs the run
for a long time, why aren't consumers complaining to their hosting
companies and looking for better alternatives? In the few years that
I've been in and around hosting companies, the amount of space
allotted has become larger, using tools via web based control panels
has become easier, but many other things have become restrictive
price of hosting has gone down, but so has quality, in many instances
And my job has been to workaround such bad quality hosting accounts ;)
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