On Aug 23, 2006, at 3:30 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote:
My hosting company asked me to use the following settings: send 50
emails every 5 minutesI know, this is the same as 10 emails every 60 seonds, but to start
a new batch for only sending 10 emails looks a bit over the top, or
If it were me, I'd have each batch be exactly one message large
think it's best to spead the sending out as much as possible and less
clumps of messages hitting a mail server
Dada's log file will increase also a lot Therefore I would like to
see the range from 0-60 seconds increased with e g 1-10 minutes as
well Or put the ranges in Config pm so we can adjust them ourselves?
Currently, a batch can be I think, hours wide
It's a useless setting
and can lead to much confusion
People do set the batch settings at
something like, 1,000 messages every 5 minutes
Like, what?
As far as log files go, I'd rather tweak how logs work than use it as
an excuse to not using smaller batches
Even cheap hosting spaces
have pretty large quotas when it comes to disk space, which is
relatively cheap (pennies per gig) for them to buy
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