(sorry, the below was posted, when I was doing the upgrade - here it
From: Andreas Grau Date: May 30, 2006 1:25:58 AM MDT To: Dada Mail Developers dadadev@PROTECTED Subject: Re: [dadadev] Re: Discussion List Style - Request For Comments
On 30 May 2006 06:57:37 -0000 "Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)" dada@PROTECTED wrote:
On May 29, 2006, at 4:47 AM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
A reply should be directed back to the forum and only the forum aka mailing list unless the originator requests otherwise
OK, but the problem right now in a Dada Mail list, like this one, if you hit, "reply", the message is addressed to the list If you hit, "reply all", the message is addressed to the list, not the list and the original poster This is what seems to be broken in Dada Mail
Not broken here, Justin ! My Sylpheed email client has to offer: - Reply - Reply to All - Reply to Sender - Reply to Mailing List
'Reply to All' addresses the message to the list and puts the sender on CC:, which seems fine to me Do we need to take e-mail clients into account when looking at that ?
On May 30, 2006, at 12:57 AM, Dada Mail ((Justin Simoni)) wrote:
On May 29, 2006, at 4:47 AM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
Justin, I am on probably way to many forums/mailing lists, but I can testify that one of the biggest annoyances on any list is some newbie replying to a post and sending it to both the list address and the originator(s) of the post Real amateurism in action
A reply should be directed back to the forum and only the forum aka mailing list unless the originator requests otherwise
OK, but the problem right now in a Dada Mail list, like this one,
if you hit, "reply", the message is addressed to the list If you
hit, "reply all", the message is addressed to the list, not the
list and the original poster This is what seems to be broken in
Dada MailThis new feature - doing things in a more traditional sense, should
allow you to do this:Hit reply, and replies go to the list, Hit reply all and replies should go to the list, and the original
posterI think
Your ideas on what's right and wrong for list etiquette are a
little abrasive to me; hopefully a discussion list should be as
intuitive as possible, yet the actual medium and mechanism of this
medium does make this problematicPerhaps the list owner should make the rules for the lists That's
me :) Since this list is pretty low traffic, I don't see a really
huge reason to enforce any one style of posting, replying, etc The
rules I'd like to follow are stated on the list's own page:http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/list/dadadev/
ta da!
I think one of neat things about email is its freeform-ness
Everyone has their own style and I'd love to keep people expressing
it Right now, it doesn't seem to be getting in the way of
communication of this list-- Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email
Communication Softwareurl: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
On May 29, 2006, at 4:47 AM, Gerard Seibert wrote:
"Joe Rizza" joe@PROTECTED
Re: [dadadev] Discussion List Style - Request For Comments I think it would be great for REPLY to go to the sender, and
REPLY ALL go to the list I've had a lot of people asking for
this feature on the discussion lists-Joe
On 28 May 2006 23:01:30 -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)
dada@PROTECTED wrote:
Heya,Many people have mentioned http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB pl?num=1145638823 that the style of Dada Mail discussion lists are slightly different than other Mailing List Managers Right now, I want to focus on one issue: It seems that in other programs, messages sent to the list have
the, "To:" header filled into what Dada Mail refers to as the, "List Address" For this list, it would look sort of like this:
To: dadadev@skazat com From: me@example com Currently in Dada Mail, the, "To:" header is set to, well, to the person that will receive the message, if, "receiver@example com" is going to receive the message, the headers would look like this: To: <mailto:receiver@example com>receiver@example com From: me@example com If you check the headers of this very message, you should see this The first, traditional way has an interesting advantage, that many have pointed out - if you reply to the message, you'll reply to
the original sender If you hit, "Reply to All", you'll reply to
both the original sender, and the list This is what most people expect - I think :)This functionality is currently broken in Dada Mail discussion
lists; if you hit, "reply", you'll reply to the original sender If you
hit, "Reply All", you'll reply to the original senderThere is an option in dada_bridge pl, to, "Automatically have
replies to messages directed to the group "
If this option is checked, replies will go back to the list If you hit, "Reply-All", replies will go back to the list So, my question is: I was thinking of changing this list to the
more traditional headers, anyone have a problem with that?
Any other experiences with discussion mailing lists that you'd like copied? Cheers, -- Justin Simoni : Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email
Communication Software
url: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
Justin, I am on probably way to many forums/mailing lists, but I can testify that one of the biggest annoyances on any list is some newbie replying to a post and sending it to both the list address and the originator(s) of the post Real amateurism in action
A reply should be directed back to the forum and only the forum aka mailing list unless the originator requests otherwise
-- Gerard Seibert gerard@seibercom net
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
http://www river com/users/share/etiquette/ http://www netmeister org/news/learn2quote1 html#ss1 l
Post: dadadev@PROTECTED
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