Hi Justin,
Sorry about the problems with your hosting service, that's the last thing you should have to worry about, especially as Dada Mail increases in popularity
In the spirit of helping out someone who has helped so many others, here is some info on a hosting service you might want to consider:
Check out MediaTemple net "(mt)" (http://www mediatemple net/), an outstanding "professional class" hosting service based in California This particular hosting company is very "creative friendly," and has a very friendly attitude towards those in the creative arena (they have a very impressive partial client list on their site - see: http://www mediatemple net/company/clients/notableclients php), which I believe is where you and your work falls
I have personal accounts with them and have many of my clients hosted there as well, and I've got to say they are far and above superior to any hosting companies I've ever dealt with in services offered and outstanding customer service Their basic plan, if pre-paid for a two-year period, works out to $7 95 per month, includes 2 GB of Web storage space, and includes 30 GB of "rollover" bandwidth per month (what you don't use is one month is "rolled over" to the next) - you mention your quota is 1 GB per week, so I think this will work for you (see their plan details at: http://www mediatemple net/services/webhosting/ss/linux-standard/)
Please check it out, I think you'll like what they offer Should you have any questions or need any assistance if you do decided to go with (mt) I'm more than happy to help out where I can as a way in part to thank you for your years of outstanding contributions to the "community "
Let me know if I can help
Craig Cadwallader 310-318-1028 primal1@primal-image com
Hey everyone - here's the announcement about the 2 10 7 release I promised for Monday -
The support site is currently down, as it's gone over its bandwidth - I guess it's time to really look for a new host I'm most likely going to go with http://textdrive and I may, may set up a mirror at Sourceforge for some of the easier things;
Sorry about the downtime, it'll reset itself early wednesday - my
quota is a 1gig/week, which isn't too too restrictive, the site just gets very popular when a new version is available, I guessIf anyone needs assistance with Pro Dada or the Magicbook, feel free to ask me off the list at: dada@skazat com
-- Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software
url: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
Hello Everyone,
Table of Contents:
: Dada Mail 2 10 7 Released : New Magicbook Revision Out - New Chapter - "Performance Tuning Dada Mail" - New Sample Chapter - "Advanced Dada Mail Setup" : Pro Dada 2 10 7 Available : Professional Installation/Upgrade Services : Multiple Fields Update
I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Dada Mail, version 2 10 7 This is a pretty solid release As always, Dada Mail is a free download at:
http://mojo skazat com/download
Direct link: http://prdownloads sourceforge net/mojomail/dada-2_10_7 tar gz?download (I'll have a zip version up shortly)
Some things of note:
- We've created an SQL backend for the list settings! No more db file pain with upgraded servers, migrating to a new server, etc, just pure, clean SQL goodness
We have a migration script from the db file version of doing things to the SQL way of doing things, so anybody that wants to take advantage of this, can
We've folded in the Archive Editor plugin into the main Dada Mail program - that means one less plugin to remember to install, keep updated, make sure is working correctly, etc - it's the return of built-in message editing and it is awesome
Additional smaller changes throughout the program including speed improvements for archive searches, attachment stripping for Discussion Lists via dada_bridge pl, more HTML templated out, RSS/Atom enhancements, the ability to send the newest archive to new subscribers and twelve documented bugs, fixed
For more detailed information about the changes in this release, please see:
: Bug Fixes/Changes:
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/changes pod html#2_10_7 Mirror for Changes/Notes -> http://sourceforge net/project/shownotes php?release_id=349531&group_id=13002
: Notes
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/NOTES pod html#2_10_7
: Our Current Roadmap
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/road_map pod html
:: Pro Dada 2 10 7 Available
Pro Dada 2 10 7 is now also available Pro Dada is a version of Dada Mail that does not include the visible copyright footer in the HTML screens or email messages Pro Dada also comes with a copy of the Magicbook A one year subscription to Pro Dada is only $50 More information:
http://mojo skazat com/purchase/pro html
Purchases of Pro Dada keep the Dada Mail project continuing strong If you use Dada Mail in a commercial environment, consider purchasing Pro Dada It's the main way Dada Mail is kept alive
: For current subscribers:
Download Pro Dada - here's the URL for the self-serve download area:
http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/support/receive_pro_dada cgi
:: Professional Installation/Upgrade Services
As always, we are providing professional, secure and awesome installation/upgrade services that include fixing corrupted installations, server moves, troubleshooting and also personal consultation and contracting
For simple installation/upgrades, please see:
http://mojo skazat com/installation/request html
for more information Currently, a pro upgrade to 2 10 7 from any previous version of Dada Mail is only $50 This upgrade comes with one full year of free upgrades to the program as they become available A great deal
:: New Magicbook Revision
Along with the 2 10 7 release, there's also a new revision of the Magicbook out
The Magicbook is an advanced manual for Dada Mail and comes either with a purchase of Pro Dada, or alone For more information, please see:
http://mojo skazat com/purchase/book html
This revision includes a new chapter entitled, "Performance Tuning Dada Mail" and it's all about making Dada Mail faster
Along with this new chapter, updates have been included for the following plugins/extensions:
- dada_backup pl
- dada_digest pl
- schedule_mailings pl
We've also slightly updated and released a new sample chapter out of Dada Mail called, "Advanced Dada Mail Setup" which you may read right now at:
http://mojo skazat com/purchase/sample_chapter-dada_mail_setup html
It'll teach you how I install Dada Mail for all my clients and customers and help you with easy upgrading, enhanced security and getting the most out of Dada Mail Pretty cool
:: Multiple Fields Update
We'll be rolling out the first betas of the multiple-fields enabled Dada Mail in just a few short weeks We'll most likely be releasing many versions of Dada Mail with multiple field capability, so you can get your hands on it as soon as possible and get back to us with some great feedback So, the next few weeks should be pretty exciting
I will be in Vancouver, B C for week starting this Friday If you're in the area and would like some direct consultation, get in touch - would love to see what you're using Dada Mail for -
Justin Simoni Lead Dadaist http://mojo skazat com
Post: dadadev@PROTECTED
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List Information: http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/list/dadadev
Archive: http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi/archive/dadadev
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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To post to this list, send a message to:
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We only collect email addresses through our Closed-Loop Opt-In system.
We don't use your email address for any other purpose.
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Unsubscription can be done at any time. Please contact us at: justin@dadamailproject.com for any help regarding your subscription, including removal from the mailing list.
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