Dada Mail, 2.10.7 alpha 2 has been released

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: March 15th 2006

Here's the download URL:


When this release is stable, I'll also have updates to the Magicbook

* Beatitude (mail scheduler)
* dada_digest
* dada_backup

And here's the changelog (I also put in the last alpha's as well) -
some neat stuff in this release:

2 10 7 - alpha 2 (3/15/06) Fixed Bugs (pending) * 1449089 2 10 6 - Adv Send a list msg always sends blank HTML
ver http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1449089&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1446975 2
6 - SQL archive search slow w/~2600 msgs

 * 1444644 2
6 - scheduled_mailings
pl - screen doesn't render  

to http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1444644&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1444643 2
6 - scheduled_mailings
pl - "Logged in as Root"  

msg http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1444643&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1439442 2
6 - Unable to log into hidden lists w/caching  

enabled http://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1439442&group_id=13002&atid=113002

Changes/New Features * List Settings SQL Backend - Available for MySQL and Postgres

     Pretty easy to set up, create the table located in
sql - which is:

      CREATE TABLE dada_settings (
      list                             text,
      setting                          text,
      value                            text

     and set the, $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE to MySQL, or Postgres

     DB FIle to *SQL migration isn't too hard, see the script,
pl in the dada/extras/scripts directory,

     Whose instructions are:

     Name dada_settings_dbtosql
pl Description Cute name, huh?

         Basically, this small script takes the information of a  

Dada Mail list settings in the DB File and ports it to the MySQL format

         Fairly simple and straightforward

     How to use this script * Backup Everything SQL tables, list  

files (all of them)

         * Create the List Settings SQL table
             The SQL statement to run should be saved in a file  

called dada_settings sql which is located in the dada/ extras/SQL directory of the distribution

         * Set $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE to the correct SQL type (MySQL,  

Postgres) Directions are located in the Config pm about this,
search for, $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE

         * Fill in %SQL_PARAMS in the Config
pm file
             Again, directions should be supplied in the  

Config pm file

         After the above (do not skip a step) are done, make sure  

Dada Mail is still running by visiting it in your webbrowser The
program should run as if no lists existed - not to worry! We shall fix that
soon enough

         Upload this script into the same directory that you have  

the mail cgi script in, and run it, either from your web browser, or
via the command line

         That should be it

 backup everything

 * Archive Editor plugin has been removed
     Archive editor functionality added to the main mail

script - meaning, you don't have to install this plugin separately

 * Archived Messages Search speed vastly improved for SQL backend

 * Archived Messages Search results can now be cached (set  

$SCREEN_CACHE to, "1" * Added option in dada_bridge pl not NOT have the [list] or,
[list name] viewable in archived messages * The admin crontrol panel HTML screens to search email
addresses has been templated out * Added the remote host/ip address to the screen when you want a
new password for a list emailed to you - this may help scare the little script

2 10 7 alpha 1 - 2/26/06 New Features * Send newest archived message to a new subscriber Located in Manage Archives -> Archive Options

 * dada_bridge
pl - Preliminary work on stripping specific file
 ending/mime-type attachments from incoming messages

Bug Fixes (pending) * 1439436 2 10 6 - dada_bridge pl - no check for valid list email https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1439436&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1438836 2
6 - debug code in DADA/MailingList/Subscribers/ 

baseSQL https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1438836&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1438834 2
6 - Invitation Subscribers Never Removed w/SQL  

backend? https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1438834&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1437842 2
6 - Cannot send black list to list owner w/SQL  

backend https://sourceforge net/tracker/index php?func=detail&aid=1437842&group_id=13002&atid=113002

 * 1433140 2
6 - Flash documentation out of date

 * 1433135 2
6 - Flash sub/unsub XML doesn't have correct info

 * 1433133 2
6 - Flash 
fla needs slight update


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  • Constructive critiques on the program (I like, "x", but, "y" needs some work - here's an idea on how to make this better...)
  • Bug/Error reports
  • Bug fixes
  • Request For Comments on any changes to the program
  • Help customizing Dada Mail for your own needs
  • Patches
  • Language Translations
  • Support Documentation/Doc editing, FAQ's, etc.
  • Discussion of any changes that you would like to be committed to the next version of Dada Mail -

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