Re: atom and the privacy, multiple fields and foreign languages.

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: January 3rd 2006

If you have any bugs, please fill them out at:


Are there bugs in Dada Mail? Yes Many There are bugs in most any
software applications

I'll discuss some of these issues here,

  1. The htmlarea plugin don't work with � Safari � (Mac OS 10 3)
  2. The htmlarea plugin seems to work with "Mozilla" but it is
    impossible to change the color of the font and the only option is a
    black font

I worked all day/night yesterday to replace HTMLArea with FCKEditor
According to:


They're working on Safari compatibility It's a little over the pale
of my knowledge to work on /Safari/ itself

  1. If I use the archiving of my discussion list the e-mail
    addresses are displayed doing a Google search with the keywords of
    the name of the person Yes I consider that this is a BIG bug in a discussion list if the e- mail addresses are not kept secure as NOBODY is interested in SPAM
    and this could be a very good reason for unsubscribing a discussion
    list Yes actually if I do a GOOGLE search on the keywords: "Michael
    Havlicek" my e-mail address is publicly displayed and cached by
    Google which could be a very good reason for unsubscribing this
    discussion list So this for this reason I don't like too much the idea of Atom and
    RSS feeds and didn't upgrade to the 2 10 4 version because I am
    ONLY interested in a discussion list bug free software

Check the sourcecode of the page itself - the email addresses
themselves are encoded using the, "SpamMeNot" method More information:


I actually contributed a perl version of the original Javascript


If you would like to talk about different methods on how to obscure
the email addresses on a webpage, I am all ears

In french the feature of multiple fields is very complicated to

Agreed Since I don't speak French, it's a little out of my pale and
this project would have to be done by someone else
Internationalization is on the roadmap and to-do It's not high on my
priority because I don't know a foreign language well enough to make
it work, nor have I ever made a program international

So I remember Justin telling: you must do the job yourself or you
MUST pay!

If you'd like something guaranteed to be in the program, I advise
anyone to commission the feature If not, build it yourself If not,
get someone else to build it for you If not, wait till I get around
to it I'm sorry if your current pet project is not mine The source
code is out there to hack it in You do not have to wait for me

You are telling that you are a community guy but actually this are
always the same who pay for additional features and the newcomers
to your site have the sofware for absolutely free

I'm not forcing anyone to pay for the program If you want to, great
If you don't pay: fine I'm also not forcing anyone to use the
program I think I give quite a bit away for free The work I'll be
doing for the multiple subscriber fields, for example, will be given
to the community for free This is the first time I've ever, in the 6
years of working on the program, asked for money to work on a feature
of the program that wasn't commissioned privately The community
voted with their dollars that they think it's a good idea - not me
If people didn't think this was a just move, I'd be getting a lot of,
"get lost" emails I didn't get one What I did get was $300 over the
$2,000 that I was trying to fundraise

I'm not a slave, sorry If you paid for something you now do not
want, it's not my fault If you want something that I did not say I
was going to give you, sorry again I don't mean to give false

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