Re: atom and the privacy, multiple fields and foreign languages.

From: "Michael Havlicek" <michal7@PROTECTED>
Date: January 3rd 2006


I contributed to the multiple fields feature but now I think that I won't need it I am not interested in a future developpement of features of multiple fields and Atom and RSS feeds

I am very interested in DISCUSSION LIST bug free software as I paid a pro version

I purchased the dada pro version and I use the 2 10 3 version and this version is not bug free

So what are the bugs? 1 The description of my discussion list have an accented caracter in the french word � litt�rature � This word is displayed as littérature in the description panel of my discussion list which is located in the central control panel for subscribing and unsubscribing So everybody sees this bug when he wants to unsbscribe or to subscribe 2 The htmlarea plugin don't work with ��Safari � (Mac OS 10 3) 3 The htmlarea plugin seems to work with "Mozilla" but it is impossible to change the color of the font and the only option is a black font 4 If I use the archiving of my discussion list the e-mail addresses are displayed doing a Google search with the keywords of the name of the person Yes I consider that this is a BIG bug in a discussion list if the e-mail addresses are not kept secure as NOBODY is interested in SPAM and this could be a very good reason for unsubscribing a discussion list Yes actually if I do a GOOGLE search on the keywords: "Michael Havlicek" my e-mail address is publicly displayed and cached by Google which could be a very good reason for unsubscribing this discussion list So this for this reason I don't like too much the idea of Atom and RSS feeds and didn't upgrade to the 2 10 4 version because I am ONLY interested in a discussion list bug free software 5 When I open the control panel of discussion list with Mozilla I am asked twice for choosin a username address for the mailing list When I save the changes I am again asked twice for the username address it is 4 times I am asked in total every time

So what about the multiple fields? I am a french a czech speaking person and as you can see I have big problems to explain things in english This is too much complicated to do for a software which could be used by a french person or a czech person needing a discussion list which responds my needs

In french the feature of multiple fields is very complicated to achieve 1 In french we say you: "tu" but we say also "vous" when we don't know a person and if we want to keep courtesy So I would need to call "tu" the very goods friends I know and "vous" the persons I don't know at all otherwise I a don't keep courtesy The adjective changes with sex in french: In english you say simply dear In french we say ��cher � and ��ch�re �, the last word is for a woman The verb changes also: In english you say you are glad In french we say ��vous �tes content � or ��vous �tes contente � as you can see for a woman the word takes an additional caracter "e" So this is too complicated to achieve and I don't need this feature as I absolutely need to keep the discussion list feature

In addition I wonder how the multiple fields feature could be feasible with a discussion list as this is the ONLY feature I am interested in

So I remember Justin telling: you must do the job yourself or you MUST pay! I see also that I am a disabled person: yes I can't work and I don't have much money I see in addition that I already paid $70 and the pro version for a discussion list which is not actually bug free As I already explained the privacy issue in a discussion list is very important to me I told already Justin that the international feature of his sofware was important to me and he replied that he don't see this as a high priority Justin, obviously if you make your software international you will have a wider audience and you will earn much more money You are telling that you are a community guy but actually this are always the same who pay for additional features and the newcomers to your site have the sofware for absolutely free


-- Michael Havlicek Le 3 janv 06, � 08:05, Dada Mail ((Justin Simoni)) a �crit :


Wow - OK, that was easy enough I'm not going to keep HTMLArea around to be deprecated - FCKEditor seems to do the job much better


Replaced HTMLArea with FCKEditor in the, "Send a List Message -> Advanced" screen as well as added it to:

* Send a Webpage
* Send a List Invitation
* The Archive Editor

I may add it to Beatitude as well, unless there's a good reason not to

So now there's WYSIWYG editing all over the place Nothin' to it :)

I may release a version of Dada Mail with FCKEditor enabled for everyone to play around with I'll have the changes in CVS soon enough

If anyone has any comments on FCKEditor integration, let me know! :)

-- Justin Simoni

: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software

url: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist


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