Dear Skazat! IT WORKS! Many thanks!!! Your software is really wonderful!
Michel Le 17 nov 05, � 22:50, Dada Mail ((Justin Simoni)) a �crit :
My web site is on a remote machine which is hosting me So there is on thing I don't understand the dada_bridge plugin must be installed on my own computer for performing crontab or not?
No, the plugin will be installed on the same server as your copy of Dada Mail
about the librairies of Perl for making work dada_bridge plugin I am told to perform the shell command: "perl -e 'print $_ "\n" foreach @INC';" I must say that my brother who is hosting my web site does not offer any telnet possibility So I made this command on my own terminal and I found this:
This is the path to perl on your Desktop, not the server - they'll be different If you don't have ssh access to your server, log into Dada Mail, and click, "About Dada Mail" on the left hand menu
The screen you see will show you the version and then a link entitled, "More " Click that link There should be a listing of the Perl libraries You'll most likely want to copy all the paths that start with a, "/"
-- Justin Simoni
: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software
url: http://mojo skazat com ph: 720 436 7701 aolim: leaddadaist
On Nov 17, 2005, at 2:25 PM, Michael Havlicek wrote:
I am a newbie to Perl and I just finished installing Dada Mail on my Web site The software of Dada Mail is wonderful and after testing it I think I will buy the pro version I am very interested with the dada_bridge plugin I will try to explain my problem My web site is on a remote machine which is hosting me So there is on thing I don't understand the dada_bridge plugin must be installed on my own computer for performing crontab or not? Second thing I am on Mac OS "Panther" this question is certainly very stupid (but I am a complete beginner learning Perl): this is about the librairies of Perl for making work dada_bridge plugin I am told to perform the shell command: "perl -e 'print $_ "\n" foreach @INC';" I must say that my brother who is hosting my web site does not offer any telnet possibility So I made this command on my own terminal and I found this:
/System/Library/Perl/5 8 1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5 8 1 /Library/Perl/5 8 1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5 8 1 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5 8 1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5 8 1 /Network/Library/Perl
and I wrote this data in the dada_bridge plugin as a reference to the librairies in the hope that it could possibly work I never heard of the possibility of performing crontab jobs on a remote machine so I wonder if it is possible I am completely wrong? Then I have set a crontab job on my machine exactly as described in the dada_bridge mailing list When I send mail to the suscribers of my list everything is correct But I notice that I can't send mail to myself so I am forced to bother the others with test messages THIS IS A VERY UNPLEASANT PLEASE CORRECT IT IF POSSIBLE Also I choosed in the configuration of dada mail messages that are allowed to post to this list should: be send to the list as a copy to me: I receive nothing!!! How can I check if the crontab job is working With the logs of console? How can I check if the dada_bridge pluging is correctly configured? When I manually check an send messages everything seems correct with the dada_bridge does it mean that everythink is correct?
Am I completely wrong?
-- Michel
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