Re: Archive Editor Update

From: "Dada Mail" <dada@PROTECTED>
Date: November 9th 2005
Hey Guys,�

Ok, here's some more about the editor - a quick walkthrough.�

As an example, I'll be sending via the, "Send a Webpage" feature in Dada Mail - in this example,, setting the, "�Images in this Webpage Should:", to: "�be embedded in the message itself."

This will give me a message that has an attachment that's used in the message itself - it's the easiest way to make a message with embedded images. Anyways, I click send and away it goes!�

Now here's the new stuff - this is what the new, "Edit Archive Message" screen *currently* looks like.�

Here's a larger version of the above:�

Even though this is a pretty simple example, it does highlight the current problem with an MIME message editor - MIME messages are composed in�hierarchical parts and can get quite complex. I tried to illustrate this in the use of indenting the content of the message to the right to show this.�

�In this example, you have a plain text version of the message (made by Dada Mail), an HTML version and the attached image. The image itself has a relationship with the HTML version of the message, since it's embedded in the message itself. Embedded images in email is sort of common in discussion lists (like this one). The above image is embedded, but shown inline with the content (hopefully!!)

*whew* - so there you go.�

Some cool things:�

* Updating that image will not break the relationship between the image and the HTML version of the message, meaning: what you upload in its place will show up where the original image was. That's so cool.�

* Changing an attached image to say, a Word document works - the new attachment will behave like a Word document, and not a corrupt image.�

* Click on the attached image thumbnail will open the full-sized version in a separate email - same goes for non-image attachments.�

Depending on the type of message, this interface changes! If you have no attachments, obviously, none will be shown - that's not what I'm really talking about. For example, this seemingly simple message, is a, "multipart/alternative" message, meaning: there's more than one version of the same message. One of the versions is plain text, the other is what's called, "multipart/related", which is a fancy way of saying, "more than one thing, that goes with each other" - in this case, an HTML message, and an attached image. Not all messages have multipart/alternative, some are singlepart, not all are multipart/related - some messages are multipart/mixed! You can author an email in many different ways, and every email reader seems to do just that: work differently. The good thing is this editor should work well with almost anything. Yay!�

Things to do:�

* You can safely remove attachments, but removing text or HTML messages is still problematic. Since MIME messages are�hierarchical, if you delete something that has parts that are below it, the thingies below become orphanes and the program breaks.�

* There's no way currently to add an attachment.�

* Add a, "Delete" button.�

* Create a preference to what you type of headers you can edit - currently, you can only edit the Subject, but you should basically be able to edit any header you'd like - some headers edited incorrectly could be somewhat dangerous.�

* HTMLArea/FCKEditor integration for the HTML messages stuff

* Create a way to edit the date of the message - although this could theoretically break threading - I'm going to make this an option by default, with a scary warning, since the original editor allowed this.�

* A, "Preview" button would be ideal.

* Navigation to other archived messages is needed (this isn't hard, just time flies!)�

* It's needs to be templated. This sort of very plastic editing environment makes using HTML::Template templates sort of difficult, unless the main template is made dynamically - which could be fun to do :)�

So that's about it. I've invited the person who commissioned this feature onto this list and I believe they're lurking about. I'm going to attempt to smooth some of the rough edges and test it on the lists that they currently have working (with their permission, of course) and give it a good trial run :).�

I'm pretty happy this feature code-wise did not get out of control - things are pretty succinct.��

Any thoughts? Ohhh's or Ahhh's. Looks like fun? :)�

Justin Simoni�

.: Dada Mail�"Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software�� � �� �

ph: � �720.436.7701
aolim: leaddadaist

On Nov 8, 2005, at 9:25 PM, Dada Mail ((Justin Simoni)) wrote:

Just a quick update - I'll have more news soon -

I have a semi-functional archive editor!

At the moment, it only edits text parts of any message - but of any message, or ANY complexity, so it already trumps the old editor (which dada doesn't even ship with, anymore.

So good news on that front and a real breakthrough for me. Good thing too - it's still very KISS.

I'll have some screenshots soon, hopefully,


Justin Simoni

.: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software

ph:� � 720.436.7701
aolim: leaddadaist





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