Frans wrote:
Is this behaviour on purpose? Because it's a bit confusing these tags behave differently when using different kind of email messages
Justin wrote:
If you don't like this, you can build up your own url, if you'd like using the other tags available
I can't speak to this specific change (because I simply haven't had time to look at it), but I do have a general suggestion/reminder for Frans and everyone else:
If you suggest a change that doesn't "make the cut" into a stable release but you that think other end-users might nonetheless appreciate, I'd strongly encourage you to write it up in the form of a HOWTO comment that we can add into the appropriate file
For more info on the HOWTO label that Justin & I have proposed, see:
http://mojo skazat com/support/documentation/code_style pod html#other
Essentially, the idea is to include intermediate-level customization options as comments in the relevant files, so that they're more easily available to end-users, they're more easily grokked and reviewed down the road by us, the devs, and so that good ideas, suggestions, and options proposed along the way don't get lost and forgotten deep in the attic of the dadadev and/or message-board archives
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