ampersands (&) should be escaped (&) [The same is not true if typing them into your browser's location bar
check out what's in the address bar when you submit something to google
Location bar, address bar, toh-may-toh, toh-mah-toh
To clarify: If you look in the bar-in-your-browser-where-URLs-show-up-and-can-be-typed-in ;-) , an "&" is exactly what should be there But to describe that "&" anywhere inside an HTML document -- even inside an element's 'href' attribute! -- it should always be encoded as "&"
I confused things when I mistakenly said "escaped" instead of "encoded" above If you think about & as being encoded (as opposed to decoded), it'll start to make more sense why this rule exists:
Just like " ", "©" and so on, "&" is a specially /encoded/ HTML character that will get /decoded/ when parsed by an HTML parser before getting sent to the viewport (browser window), to the address/location bar, or to a cgi script
If you don't encode it, browsers will usually figure out what you meant anyway, at least if the parsing is not strict That's why Google (which has no doctype) and Dada Mail (which uses a transistional [non-strict] doctype) have gotten away with not encoding the ampersands in their source code so far
But even if you rely on browsers to act this way (just like you can rely on them to understand an unclosed
http://foo com?send=Jack©=Jill
which, if entered into the address bar, will send two name/value pairs to foo com But put the same URL into an HTML attribute:
and the parser will see the "©" string in there as an encoded copyright symbol, which will break its intended function An unlikely case, to be sure
So basically, this is one of those "best practices" that no-one will ever notice :-)
[Note: Depending on how Dada Mail's text-to-HTML converter handles the above examples, the first URL above may "correctly" exhibit the error in the [dadadev] Web archives Mousing over its link and viewing the status bar should suffice to show you the problem ]
when you submit something to google:
http://www google com/search?
Justin: your long URLs are still breaking to two (or more) lines, as shown above
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