Justin wrote:
can some one whip up some code that will allow the onSubmit select box to work if JS is enabled, but show a submit button if no JS is available? And be standards compliant?
While I think could be a good idea, I respectfully submit that it should not be a priority /right now /
The reason is simple: Even if we find a solution that's perfectly gracefully degradable for that particular widget, Dada Mail admins using JS-disabled browsers will still have all kinds of other problems in the control panel: with the "Subscription Form HTML" screen, with the "Show/Hide Advanced Options" in the "Send a Webpage" screen, and with pretty much everything else in admin_js tmpl So the fact that they'll be able to easily switch to another list's control panel that has all those same problems won't mean all that much to them ;-)
As I suggested earlier today, our first priority in regard to the JavaScript issues under discussion -- rather than delaying a release date even further by suggesting we spend time on creating gracefully degradable non-JS options for some, or all, or even just one of the current JS-required areas -- should be:
(A) to agree that,
Let's have Javascript a requirement for admin stuff is the most efficient short-term/interim solution [which I believe we've done];
(B) to display "JavaScript required" explicitly on the control panel login page [which, again, I've already taken care of]; and finally,
(C) to enforce that JavaScript requirement by bouncing admins back to the login page, with a friendly "error message" added, if they do try to log in without JavaScript in spite of its stated necessity
(A) and (B) are already done, so (C) is all that's needed to make things shippable for 2 10 Everything else, including Justin's above-quoted request, can be moved down the roadmap to 2 11, with a collective understanding that if we do happen to get to something earlier than that, it'll just be an extra little bonus
I, too, would like to see 2 10 released sooner rather than later :-)
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