Just to add an epilogue:
- I was able to use the Web-based installer to upgrade to 11_11_2.
- I took the opportunity to add the Bounce Handler (which has sorted out a recent minor issue) and the Global config plugin.
- As a side benefit, I also now have a utility for backing up and restoring the database.
- I had the opportunity to configure for reCAPTCHA v2 but the installation test failed with "cannot locate JSON.pm in @INC". I have to build my CPAN routines locally and upload them (shared host does not have cpan). The Google::reCAPTCHA was made and installed locally using auto-install so all pre-requirements were sorted out. So I suspect the message means the .pm file calling reCAPTCHA needs a "use lib '/home..../lib'" line, like I have to add to pop3.pm to add SSL. I have JSON in the host local library.Does that sound likely?
Kind regards
From: chris.holt@PROTECTED
Thanks for your clear guidance and reassurance. I'll try a Web-based installer upgrade combined with a reCAPTCHA configuration. Think I'll do a full backup of Dada Mail and the database first - just in case.
Thanks again
On 08-Sep-20 3:46 AM,Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]wrote:
From: justin@PROTECTED
On Sep 7,2020, at 2:45 PM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:From: chris.holt@PROTECTED I used the command line installer,which I think is still available.
OK, so you did use the installer,just on the command line.
Now that it is set up and working,would you expect the web-based installer to work with the existing(standard)installation for reCAPTCHA configuration?
It's worth a try.Upgrading is also supported via the command line (although setting up captcha via the command line is not)
If I run it in the hope I can make configuration changes, will it open the installation'as is',initially,and not change my working set-up unless I allow it to?
Yes, of course - it'll ask you if you would like to upgrade,
In the same way,would you expect me to be able to use the installer to upgrade my set up to a new version?
Again, yes.
Should I then attempt to go from 11_4_6 to the current version in one go
Of course,
Justin J:Lead Dadaist.url: http://dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter:@dadamail skype:leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/
On Sep 7,2020, at 2:45 PM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
From: chris.holt@PROTECTED
I used the command line installer,which I think is still available. In my case I uploaded dada-11_4_6.tar.gz to cgi-bin,extracted and unpacked it,renamed the installer and ran it with a command string set according to the guidance in the documentation.It installed fine,partly because from earlier attempts I had already set up the subdomain and database.Then I had to enable Bridge and set up my local cron but the basic install by the command line installer was straightforward.
Now that it is set up and working,would you expect the web-based installer to work with the existing(standard)installation for reCAPTCHA configuration?If I run it in the hope I can make configuration changes, will it open the installation'as is',initially,and not change my working set-up unless I allow it to?
In the same way,would you expect me to be able to use the installer to upgrade my set up to a new version?Should I then attempt to go from 11_4_6 to the current version in one go or should I upgrade to intermediate versions?
Kind regards
On 06-Sep-20 10:19 PM,Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]wrote:
From: justin@PROTECTED
The installer would be needed to install and upgrade the app.
The installer would also help make sure the prereqs.to use Google reCAPTCHA are working correctly, and allow you to test the config of it all, so it's what I also suggest if you want to set it up.
How to configure it via the global config file also changes - and it has changed between what you're running and what's out now - again the installer helps smooth out those sort of details.
How the heck did you install Dada Mail without the installer?
Justin J:Lead Dadaist.url: http://dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter:@dadamail skype:leaddadaist
Dada Mail Announcements:http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/
On Sep 6,2020,at 2:24 PM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED[Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:
From: chris.holt@PROTECTED
Firstly - thank you!Since we corresponded through the list in November about the semaphore messages, my ssh cli-installed and Schedule::Cron Dada Mail installation has worked continuously and flawlessly.
Now, I would like to add reCAPTCHA to my subscription form, so that a publicly visible link to the form can be put on the astronomy club website.I want to be reasonably assured that the subscription request I see are genuine.In your online documentation about'Google reCAPTCH v2 Support', you describe configuring Dada Mail for reCAPTCHA either by using the web-based installer at an upgrade or to make configuration changes. I am not clear either option is available to me,given the restricted shared host currently in use.Can the configuation be done manually?Which files should I look for/ in?
A related question concerns upgrades. I installed 11.4.6 and sooner or later should upgrade to a newer version.Assuming I cannot use the web-based installer, can it be done manually?Is it'just' a case of overwriting files with new versions and adding those that are additional,having backed up user data?
Kind regards
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